Tag Archives: Spider-Man

Comic Timing Episode 244 – Toy Fair 2025 in Review

For the first time since 2023, the Toy Association put together their usually annual Toy Fair! For 2025, the show is back in its native slot of February, and Kris and Ian attended to share their thoughts on the show. Companies discussed include Mattel, Spin Masters, LEGO, Hasbro, Playmates, Bandai Namco, Funko, Super7, and tons more. Learn about the themes of the year, including foods that you can’t eat (aka snacks that are actually plushies), a large increase of toys and plushies that either have butts, fart, or both (because toys and plushies be classy), miniature worlds, making toys for “kidults” willing to spend money on nostalgia. Plus an easier way to get into Dungeons and Dragons for beginners, Barbie and Play-Doh unite, advances in plush technology (yes, we’re being serious), Toy Story toys mid-pose are creepy as heck, is the bag holding multiple plushies sentient according to Toy Story rules, pinball games for Dungeons & Dragons and Uncanny X-Men, Brooklyn people will find Brooklyn people anywhere they go and will then reminisce for fifteen minutes, and if you’re at the show long enough into the day, you can luck out and get free donuts!

And here’s the video version of this episode:

You can support future releases of Comic Timing and get in on the occasional early releases of the show at http://www.patreon.com/ComicTiming. You can also follow Comic Timing on Bluesky at https://bsky.app/profile/comictiming.bsky.social, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming/, on Threads at https://www.threads.net/@comictimingpodcast and on Instagram at http://instagram.com/comictimingpodcast. And please, if you can, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts; it helps attract new listeners! Finally, you can join in on the conversation at our Comic Timing Fans group on Facebook, which is a great place to hang out and talk comics.

Follow Ian on Bluesky, and on Instagram at http://instagram.com/i_am_scifi. Kris is lampbane on Bluesky, and you can check out her various other works at http://linktr.ee/krisnaudus. And here’s the quickie What Funko? game Kris created, since there’s a Funko of literally everything.

Thanks for listening, we’ll catch you next time, and as always, there’s always time for comics!

Comic Timing Episode 242 – February 2025 Previews

Just in the nick of time, February’s Previews episode is out! And this one…took some doing. For one thing, for the first time, we made the executive decision to skip Diamond’s Previews catalog (with the exception of two Dynamite entries at the end of the episode). And how did Murd and Ian manage to still put out a nearly three-hour episode without the Diamond catalog? THEY FOUND A WAY. That way includes the Lunar Distribution catalog, and Penguin Random House’s offering, along with the usual Image, DC and Marvel catalogs. Here’s a link to where Ian grabs the catalogs monthly, and here’s a link to Penguin Random House’s offerings as well. Highlights include Dan Slott’s first Superman issue as the Summer of Superman begins, six Silent Interlude issues of G.I. Joe, Golden Rage: Mother Knows Best, Godzilla versus friggin Spider-Man AND the latest Amazing Spider-Man relaunch, Craig Thompson’s Ginseng Roots, and so much more. And please, Penguin Random House, start separating your catalog into individual publishers rather than single issues and then collections, that’d be great, thanks.

Here’s the video version for you all:

You can support future releases of Comic Timing and get in on the occasional early releases of the show at http://www.patreon.com/ComicTiming. You can also follow Comic Timing on Bluesky at https://bsky.app/profile/comictiming.bsky.social, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming/, on Threads at https://www.threads.net/@comictimingpodcast and on Instagram at http://instagram.com/comictimingpodcast. And please, if you can, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts; it helps attract new listeners! Finally, you can join in on the conversation at our Comic Timing Fans group on Facebook, which is a great place to hang out and talk comics.

Follow Ian on Bluesky, and on Instagram at http://instagram.com/i_am_scifi. Brent is on Bluesky, and he posts regularly to YouTube on his channel, BK’s Bullets.

Thanks for listening, we’ll catch you next time, and as always, there’s always time for comics!

Comic Timing Episode 208 – Wanda and Vishawn

Not a hoax! Not an imaginary story! As the regular CGS take a week to regroup, Comic Timing returns for the first time since December 2021! Join Ian, Brent, Kris, Donovan, Brandon and Raph as they discuss topics ranging from the passing of Neal Adams, George Perez and Tim Sale to Donovan’s reaction to CGS’ The Batman review, initial thoughts on Ms. Marvel as well as other Marvel shows, Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, The Boys, Umbrella Academy, and plenty more. Expect spoilers, and a reminder that these episodes do not stray from letting curses fly, so do utilize headphones, or earmuffs as needed.

You can support future releases of Comic Timing and get in on slightly earlier releases of the show from time to time at http://www.patreon.com/ComicTiming.

Follow Ian on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/i_am_scifi, listen to him on Comic Geek Speak, and follow him on Instagram at http://instagram.com/i_am_scifi; Brent is on Twitter at http://twitter.com/kossinab, and he posts regularly to YouTube on his channel, BK’s Bullets; Kris is on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/lampbane and http://www.twitter.com/KrisNaudus for the professional Tweets. Brandon is at http://www.twitter.com/TheDabbaDon and Donovan is at https://twitter.com/donoDMG1. And finally, Raph is on Twitter at https://twitter.com/RaphDoesStuff, and check out what he is writing at CBR.

Thanks for your continued support of the show, and we’ll catch you next time!

Comic Timing Episode 207 – Korg Walked so Ben Grimm Could Run

Hey man, we recorded another Comic Timing. You wanna listen? It’ll be fun!

This episode Ian and Brent are joined by Raph Soohoo, Donovan Morgan Grant, Brandon Christopher, Kris Naudus and Jamal Igle to go over what’s new in the world of comic book fandom over the past few months. This includes a deconstruction on Substack and Comixology Unlimited and what they mean to the comic book publishing industry, Raph’s passionate review and thoughts on Shang-Chi and what it means to him as an American Born Chinese man, What Eternals may mean for Marvel’s cinematic future, how frustrating modern press can be when it comes to spoilers, Fandome discussion including The Flash, The Batman, Young Justice and Blue Beetle, Brent hates on Ava Duvernay and also discusses Ben Reilly Spider-Man, and Once and Future, Ian explains how awesome X-Men Legends is, Jamal goes into Cliff Chang’s Catwoman: Lonely City, Donovan loves Bat books, Raph adores Superman ’78 and has thoughts on Clark handing his mantle over to Jonathan, Brandon praises X-Men, Kris rolls her D20 on Keith Ammann’s Live to Tell the Tale, and much much more.

You can support future releases of Comic Timing and get in on slightly earlier releases of the show at http://www.patreon.com/ComicTiming. You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming, and you can also join the Comic Geek Speak Super Group for further communication. You can follow Ian on Twitter at @i_am_scifi, and on Instagram at http://instagram.com/i_am_scifi; Brent is on Twitter at @kossinab, and he posts regularly to YouTube on his channel, BK’s Bullets; Kris is on Twitter @lampbane and @KrisNaudus for the professional Tweets, and Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/lampbane, and she writes and contributes content regularly over at Engadget and Yahoo! Jamal is on Twitter at @jamaligle, Raph is @RaphDoesStuff, Brandon is at @TheDabbaDon and Donovan is at @donoDMG1.

Thanks for your continued support of the show, and we’ll catch you next time!

YouTube version:

BK’s Bullets: Game of the Year 2020

See the source image

Brent and Jim are back to talk all the games of 2020! New Consoles! Crappy E3 summer! Lackluster communication from game companies, and the best games we played in 2020 can be found here!

Brent is on Twitter  @kossinab;  Jim can be found on Twitter @vypermajik.

Brent’s YouTube: BK’s Bullets

Jim’s YouTube: vypermajik

BK’s Bullets – The Games of 2018

Brent and Jim are back to Review the Games of 2018! Brent has his best list, while Jim has his best, honorable mentions, terrible, no good, very bad games lists! Listen to this epic-length podcast to get all their opinions! Assassin’s Creed Origins & Odyssey, Spider-Man, God of War, Brent’s Terrible Uncharted and Last of Us opinions and more!

Brent is on Twitter  @kossinab;  Jim can be found on Twitter @vypermajik.


BK’s Bullets – Brent & Jim Return!

Brent and Jim are back talking video games! We got sidetracked for 6 months, but we are all better and back again! Brent & Jim talk Sony’s Spider-Man EXCLUSIVE game, what Microsoft needs to do at E3, and Brent & Jim BOTH make startling promises! The answers await inside!

Find Jim on  YouTube here. Find Brent on YouTube here. Jim can be found on twitter @jasefat, and Brent @kossinab.

Comic Timing – Episode 189: Guardians, Wonder Woman, & Spider-Man, OH MY!

Ian, Brent, Brandon, and Donovan talk the new craptastic Marvel Inhumans TV Show, Ian’s preview of Netflix’s Defenders, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Wonder Woman, and Spider-Man: Homecoming movies from the summer.   Crack open a cold one for this one, it’s a jam-packed episode!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. You can follow Ian on Twitter @i_am_scifi, on Instagram at i_am_scifi or on Tumblr at heehaw-ds9.tumblr.com; Brent is on Twitter too @kossinab; Brandon is on Twitter @TheDabbaDon, thedabbadon on Instagram, and Geekcetra on Tumblr. Donovan can be found at http://www.thebatmanuniverse.net.

Comic Timing – Episode 173: Comic Book Video Games


Round 173: FIGHT! This episode, Jim Efantis is called up from BKs Bullets to the main show, as Jim, Brandon Christopher, Ian and Brent talk Comic Book Video Games. We run the gambit of titles and systems, from Atari to N64 to XBox 360 to current-gen consoles and back again. The group also discusses where comic book video games have been and where they’re headed, the best and the worst of the bunch, what it would take to make a successful Superman game, what characters we’d like to see games made for, and a whole lot more. This episode’s been a long time coming, so savor it in all its glory!

The show then concludes with some general comic talk, including Daredevil: The Man Without Fear, Fun Home, Secret Wars and Batman. And who do you think Mads Mikkelsen will play in Doctor Strange? Decisions, decisions, decisions!

As always – we are sponsored by the newly redesigned DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! All comics from major publishers like Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse are 40% off or more. And hardcovers and trade paperbacks from Marvel and DC are at least 50% off! Plus, be sure to check out their Comixology digital storefront for even further savings!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. Thanks, and we’ll catch you next time!

Comic Timing Episode 165 – Part 2: Spider-Man Movie News, 2014 Wrap-Up Conclusion and More


Double the pleasure, double the fun! Not only do you get two episodes in a matter of days, but this episode itself is two episodes in one! First, Kris and Ian talk all about the Spider-Man movie franchise news, including his appearance in the Marvel Movie Universe, plus Kevin Feige’s involvement in future Sony Spider-Man movies. We also discuss the Miles Morales vs. Peter Parker movie debate, the Fantastic Four trailer and how it will more than likely not be for us, Michael Fassbender potentially playing Boba Fett, Ian finally watching Blade for the first time, Peggy Carter: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (both Kris’ praise, and Brent’s dislike from a pre-show conversation), The Walking Dead (SPOILERS) and more!

We then segue into the rest of our Best and Worst of 2014, questions 8-15, featuring Ian, Brent, Brandon, Chad and Yanni. Expect things to be just as grumpy, exhausted and insane as they were in Part 1. It’s a mess, but in a good way. Enjoy!

As always – we are sponsored by the newly redesigned DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! All comics from major publishers like Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse are 40% off or more. And hardcovers and trade paperbacks from Marvel and DC are at least 50% off! Plus, be sure to check out their Comixology digital storefront for even further savings!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. Thanks, and we’ll catch you next time!