Rant Timing #6: The Invasion Becomes Not So Secret
Today, I made a mad rush to the comic book shop the minute I left work. I needed something in particular, before I could get spoiled. I needed a book that will change the face of the Marvel Universe for years to come. Even though I am getting it FOR FREE in two weeks, I still spent $3.99 on Secret Invasion #1. Am I in Marvel’s pocket now? Probably, but you know what? I could care less. Spoilers to come after an image of The New Avengers as Skrulls, from one of the 12 different Secret Invasion #1 covers.

This comes from a post I made on the forums, but I figured it was good and long enough to warrant posting it here on the web site as well. Once again, spoilers ahead, so you have been warned.
Call me crazy, but do you think “He loves you” is a trigger phrase? Maybe it is indeed simply a variation on a Beatles lyric, which would also lead nicely into being explained by John the Skrull in the upcoming MI:13 series? A battle cry of sorts, stemming from when Earth music was first beamed into space, which might have been what called Skrull attention to our planet in the first place. Crazy, but I love coming up with crazy explanations.
Now, as for the heroes that just returned to Earth, I say some will be Skrulls, while some will be originals. If I am correct about there being sleeper Skrulls, there will be some heroes that do not even know they are aliens. During the Skrull-Kree War, some heroes were captures and brought to a cell with other heroes that were already “captured.” I believe that the Scarlet Witch that came to Earth is our Scarlet Witch. This explains why there is no Chaos Magic quite well, as it was created by a Skrull to explain away increased powers. The Beast of the group is ours, with the feline Beast being a Skrull; the secondary mutation was simply shape manipulation. Our White Queen is real, but so is the Phoenix that just came back. Best explanation for the multiple Jean Greys anyone can have: there was always just one; the rest were Skrulls. Now Scott will have to choose once more between two women who have his mind in the palm of their hands, and his heart too.
Up in the air is Hawkeye and Wonder Man, I highly doubt Ms. Marvel is a Skrull, and it would be evil to have Jewel be the real Jessica Jones after all the character building Bendis has done for her over the years. Luke Cake, the Luke Jessica married, is a Skrull. Hence the baby is half Skrull, half human.
The Vision will be the easiest to debunk, since he is an android. If this one is not an Android, it is a Skrull. Spider-Man is not a Skrull, since that would be too damn easy.
Mar-Vell is Kree, attacking the enemy. One of the Thunderbolts is a Skrull, and my money is indeed on Norman Osborn. Although if it is Penance, that would be fun too.
Mockingbird is human, meaning that if our Clint is the real Clint, he’ll have to choose between Maya and a women he thought he saved from hell to get to heaven where she belongs.
Iron Man and Captain America from space are Skrulls, and are part of the group of heroes I mentioned were in holding from the start. They are the leaders, so of course they would be the ones to copy.
Sue Richards? Tough one. No matter which way you slice it, there are problems.
Finally, we have Wolverine from space. Skrull. No way will they get rid of thirty years of Wolverine’s history like that. He will cause problems however, as it is likely his “senses” will “smell” Skrulls, while our Wolverine will still have no ability to pick up the scent.
There, I think that’s all of it. Once again, I spent $3.99 on a book I’m getting free from Heroes Corner this month because I couldn’t wait to read it. $3.99 well spent I must say.
Keep it coming, Bendis, you’ve got me hook, line and sinker! Again. I am a junkie, coming back for more Bendis multiple times a month. Anybody got a spare hit?