Tag Archives: Jim Lee

Comic Timing Episode 238 – January 2025 Previews

Our first episode of the New Year is officially here! Chris Eberle, Adam Murdough and Ian are here to go through this month’s various Previews catalogs, Image Catalog Issue 3, DC Connect issue 56, Marvel Previews Vol 6 issue 40, and Diamond Previews issue 436, with books mainly set for March 2025 release. Before the trio get into the books at hand, listen for a full discussion of the news that broke this week that may very well affect future editions of this very show: Diamond Distributors has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. We discuss the potential ramifications of the news (since we recorded Image is now officially going Lunar-only after this month’s order cutoff date), is there is a way out of this for Diamond post-filing, and we are of course incredibly happy to have a former shop owner in Mr. Eberle to help sort through it all.

Then, as we pivot to the catalogs, highlights include Robert Kirkman’s return to the Invincible Universe with Battle Beast, Hush 2 at DC, Assorted Crisis Events make Murd and Ian quite happy, Godzilla vs Fantastic Four, David F. Walker’s return to Bitter Root, new Mouse Guard from David Petersen, the first Solomon Kane series in 15 years by Titan, and so much more!

Time stamps:

Diamond bankruptcy conversation: 02:41

Image Comics: 16:28

Boom Studios: 43:05

Dynamite: 48:03

Titan Comics: 54:34

DC: 1:02:04

Marvel: 1:29:58

Back of the Book: 2:04:01

And here’s the video version of the episode:

You can support future releases of Comic Timing and get in on the occasional early releases of the show at http://www.patreon.com/ComicTiming. Video versions of the show, as well as occasional shorts and other goodies are available at https://www.youtube.com/@comictimingpodcast.

Follow Comic Timing on Bluesky at https://bsky.app/profile/comictiming.bsky.social, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming/, on Threads at https://www.threads.net/@comictimingpodcast and on Instagram at http://instagram.com/comictimingpodcast. And please, if you can, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts; it helps attract new listeners!

Finally, we have a Facebook Group that is thriving nicely. If you’d like to join, do so!

Follow Ian on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/i_am_scifi, on Bluesky, Threads, and on Instagram at http://instagram.com/i_am_scifi.

Thanks for listening as always, we hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season, and we will catch you all next time! And as always, there’s always time for comics!

Comic Timing – Episode 201: It’s Been A While, Stay Home and Listen

Miss us? We sure did miss you! In this time of uncertainly, doubt and worry, we here at Comic Timing do our best to take your mind off of things. Brent, Ian, Donovan, Brandon and Raph gather to discuss a wide range of topics, from DC’s removal of Dan Didio to convention cancellations due to the outbreak and the future of conventions, from HBO’s Watchmen to Doomsday Clock, from CW’s Crisis on Infinite Earths to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and a whole lot more. Strap in for nearly three hours of distraction, and please, wash your hands, social distance, and stay the heck home people!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. You can follow Ian on Twitter @i_am_scifi, on Instagram at i_am_scifi or on Tumblr at heehaw-ds9.tumblr.com, he is also now a regular voice in the rotation on the Comic Geek Speak podcast, and has written a few articles for Engadget; Brent is on Twitter @kossinab, and he posts regularly to YouTube on his channel, BK’s Bullets. Brandon is on Twitter @TheDabbaDon, thedabbadon on Instagram, and Geekcetra on Tumblr, and is co-host of the Pop Culture Clash Podcast. Raph can be found on Twitter @RaphDoesStuff and at the Nerd Ranting blog, you can check out his old articles and comic reviews on ComicsVerse, and do check out the D&D live stream he produces weekly on Twitch, Natural Ones. Or you can check out his new podcast, Raph Talks Stuff. Donovan can be found on Twitter @DonoDMG1, is a contributor to the DC Universe site, and is co-host of Questions: We Don’t Have Answers. And be sure to listen to his thoughts on the Birds of Prey movie on the Comic Book Film Revue podcast.

Thanks as always for listening, especially in these weird times, and we’ll catch you guys next time!

Comic Timing – Episode 125: The NuDCU

125 episodes of Comic Timing! Holy crap! To celebrate, Brent and Ian say farewell to the old DC Universe with a review of Flashpoint #5 and say hello to the new one with Justice League #1! We are also joined by longtime listener Donovan Morgan Grant for the Justice League conversation. Plus, there is plenty of conversation and clarification on Brent’s Editorial on why he feels some comic shops might not be using the DC Relaunch to its fullest potential.

As always – we are sponsored by DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! This month you can get the entire DCnU for 50% off when you buy all of the issue #3’s – otherwise they are at an astonishing 40% off! And for those of you who have not used DCBS before you can save an additional 8% off your first order via the promo code: CT8. Plus, be sure to check out DCBS’ new Comixology digital store!

We are also sponsored by New York Comic Con. This year’s show is taking place from October 13 – 16 as the show is now FOUR DAYS LONG! Be sure to stop by Podcast Arena to chat with Ian or to pimp your books!

Thanks for listening and we will see you in October for our review of the rest of the New 52.

Comic Timing – Episode 123: The NuDCU

Before the end of the month there’s more Comic Timing to be had! This one has Brent Kossina and Ian Levenstein joined by Angela from 2 People Talking and Invisible Jetcast, Chris Johnson now of Dying in the Gutters and Umar of Dafixer’s Hideout as we talk all about the DC Relaunch before all 52 titles were announced. We decided to hold this one back until everything was finalized out of DC just so you could see what we got right and what we got wrong. This one is plenty of fun so I hope everyone enjoys it!

As always – we are sponsored by DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! This month you can get the entire DCnU for 50% off when you buy all of them – otherwise they are at an astonishing 42% off! And for those of you who have not used DCBS before you can save an additional 8% off your first order via the promo code: CT8. Here are our Review Corner picks for the month:

Ultimate Comics Spider-man #1: 50% off (DCBS at $1.99/regular price $3.99)

Justice League International #1: 42% off (DCBS at $1.73/regular price $2.99)

27: Second Set #1 : 50% off (DCBS at $1.99/regular price $3.99)

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com. Thanks for listening and we’ll catch you next time!

Comic Timing Episode 113: Alan Moore Debate

Recently, Alan Moore made some controversial statements about the comic book industry as a whole, the way DC Entertainment works as a company, and the potential for Watchmen sequels and why he feels they shouldn’t go forward. Umar from Dafixer’s Hideout, Julian Lytle of Ants, Brent and I discuss the topic in depth, which has gained a bit more weight now that DC Entertainment has announced its plans to co “bi-coastal.”

This episode of Comic Timing is sponsored by…DCBS! That’s right, Discount Comic Book Service is the new sponsor of Comic Timing. For all first time users of the site, make sure to use the promo code CT8 at checkout to receive an additional 8% off your first order! And don’t forget, THE TRAVELER #1 is only 99 cents this month at DCBS, 75% off retail price, with NO ORDER LIMIT!!! Along with this great deal, here are our Review Corner picks for the month:

UTOPIAN #1: 50% off retail (DCBS price $1.49/regular price $2.99)

BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT #1: 75% off retail (DCBS price $0.99/regular price $3.99)

THUNDERBOLTS #150: 50% off retail (DCBS price $2.49/regular price $4.99)

Also, as a quick reminder, Comic Timing will be in the Podcast Arena yet again at this year’s New York Comic Con! The Booth number is 524, and we’ll be sharing table space with none other than Rick Gordon of The Pop Cult Online! Ian will be there on Friday and Saturday only, so if you’d like to stop by and say hello or to say a few words on microphone, go ahead and do so. He’ll be happy to see you. And don’t forget that Friday at 6:30 in Panel Room 5 (subject to change, check the schedule to finalized location) will be the first ever NYCC Podcasting Panel, with the likes of Peter Rios of CGS, Jim and Johnny of Legion of Dudes, Sean and Jim of Raging Bullets, and good old Darrell from…well, everything! We can’t wait for this one, which will be recorded and released for those unable to attend.

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us at Podcast Alley and give us your reviews over on iTunes. And of course, if you can, please donate to the HERO Initiative effort if you can. Every little bit helps! Also, make sure to check out Ian in BrokenSea Production’s latest Twilight Theatre episode, “The Cloud!

Until next time, thanks for listening, and thanks for downloading!

Jim Lee Kills My Feet at a Signing

The Corner I was Stuck at

My feet hurt, thanks to a long line at a Jim Lee signing at Sci-Fi City in Orlando, Florida. I went to Orlando this past weekend for this signing and was particularly excited to get stuff signed, and maybe even get a sketch in the Absolute Hush that I won from Nick in his massive contest awhile back. I got to the store at noon and saw a full parking lot, I went inside the store, which is a massive space, much bigger than most comic stores with spaces for card games, table games, video games, an Xbox 360 lounge, Sci-Fi City is really a great store and I had a high opinion of it, until I left the signing. Anyway. I got there at noon, and was prepared to wait an hour when Jim arrived at 1 pm. After I had my books counted and stickered (so you left with the same amount of books as you came in with) I got in the main line. After I got in this line, I learned, as the manager announced over the microphone, there were two more lines that would be able to get their stuff signed before me! So, I went from being not that far back in line, to way at the bottom.

The first line was for people who dropped $50 in the store and bought and Absolute Hush the day of or a few days before and had a reciept. They had first crack at Jim. The second line was for comic subscribers at Sci-Fi City, and they had second crack at Jim. After them was the main line, which I was in. I thought, “Ok, well that’s cool for people, hopefully I’ll get my sketch.” 2 hours later, my line and the subscriber line had not moved more than 5 feet and more people were entering the store and getting in line than were leaving. Feeling discouraged, thirsty, hungry, and tired, myself and the people around me asked some employees what was going on. We were told that Jim had started doing sketches for whomever wants one (I think for free) and that’s what the holdup was. We asked if they could change the lines, cut some off, so that people would be able to get their stuff signed, shop around the store, and leave. The employees told us that they were sticking to the system they had. Bummer. An hour after that, my line moved, and I rounded the corner I had been stuck behind for the past 3 hours. Jim Lee was in my line of sight, drawing inside and Absolute Hush, and my hopes were raised.

As I got closer to the front of the line, I realized that someone had listened to us an hour ago, and was rotating through the still existent 3 lines to move people through, as Jim was leaving at 6pm and there were still over 100 people in line, some with only one or two things to sign. As I got to the front of the line, I had all my books out, Absolute at the ready for a quick sketch, when the manager tells me, “You know he’s only sketching in the Absolutes for the people who bought them here.” What? Blast! So, I walked up to Jim Lee, handed him my books, told him how much I loved his work, inquired about how long he’ll be on All-Star Batman and Robin (till issue 20), and the DC MMO (which is still alive and “looks great”). After he signed all my books, and the inside of my Absolute, I left, put the books back in their bags and proceeded to leave the store. As my books were being counted, an employee asked me “Was it worth it?” I looked to him and lamented that my feet were tired, thirsty, and hungry, and that I thought it was unfair that they were limiting who got sketches in their Absolutes. He looked at me and told me I could get in the Absolute line now, and hope that Jim got to me. I looked at the still egregiously long line, looked at my watch, and then the employee. I said to him, “Dude, it’s 5 o’clock, I’ve been here since noon. The day is over,” and walked out the door as he said, “thanks for coming, come back soon!”

Jim Arrives

So that’s my story. Did I have fun? Yes, but only because I met this cool guy Josh (hi Josh!) and talked to him for the hours I was in line. Was this signing mis-managed? Hell yes. Before Jim arrived, the manager was telling me how long and hard he had to work to get Jim to come down. He’s in a band, Jim has his CD, which lead to e-mails, someone in the store donated Disney tickets, as well as pulling in some favors for a stretch Hummer limo to cart Jim and his entourage around from Thursday till Sunday, all free for Jim. Sounds like it took a lot of work right? So then why bumble the event with 3 different lines? If you want to give subscibers a jump ahead, ask Jim to sign for them only on a different night and time. Tell the subscibers that their line closes when Jim arrives, and after that they have to get in the regular line. I watched about 20 people with “subscriber cards” jump in line ahead of me for 4 hours, after I arrived. It felt like comic-book racism. They are better than you, so they get to cut in front of you all afternoon long and you can’t do anything about it.

I will say that there were people who walked in the store at 4pm, got in my line, which at that time was stretching out quite a bit around the store, and did not get their stuff signed, if Jim left at 6pm like we were told all afternoon long. If the lines had been worked quicker, then people may have had time or even the inclination to walk around the store and buy stuff, but instead, all of the traffic that this signing generated was tied up in line for Jim, and never at the register. Another thing that could’ve been clearer, at least for me, was the sketches. Is he or isn’t he doing sketches? Not letting everyone get a sketch that wants one is silly. If they had told Jim to sketch at the end and do signings till the line went way down, I would’ve been out of there at 2:30pm instead of 5pm, and maybe then I would’ve gotten in the sketch line. While I’m sure people will look on the wall, and say, “Wow, this store is cool because they had Jim Lee here,” the people who were in line with me will say, “Wow, they really mismanaged what could’ve been a cool event.” Next time they have a signing at Sci-Fi City, I’m going to call ahead and see how many lines they are going to have, before I kill my feet waiting for a minute of face-time with an artist I like.

Checking the books.