Tag Archives: Dan Slott

Comic Timing Episode 242 – February 2025 Previews

Just in the nick of time, February’s Previews episode is out! And this one…took some doing. For one thing, for the first time, we made the executive decision to skip Diamond’s Previews catalog (with the exception of two Dynamite entries at the end of the episode). And how did Murd and Ian manage to still put out a nearly three-hour episode without the Diamond catalog? THEY FOUND A WAY. That way includes the Lunar Distribution catalog, and Penguin Random House’s offering, along with the usual Image, DC and Marvel catalogs. Here’s a link to where Ian grabs the catalogs monthly, and here’s a link to Penguin Random House’s offerings as well. Highlights include Dan Slott’s first Superman issue as the Summer of Superman begins, six Silent Interlude issues of G.I. Joe, Golden Rage: Mother Knows Best, Godzilla versus friggin Spider-Man AND the latest Amazing Spider-Man relaunch, Craig Thompson’s Ginseng Roots, and so much more. And please, Penguin Random House, start separating your catalog into individual publishers rather than single issues and then collections, that’d be great, thanks.

Here’s the video version for you all:

You can support future releases of Comic Timing and get in on the occasional early releases of the show at http://www.patreon.com/ComicTiming. You can also follow Comic Timing on Bluesky at https://bsky.app/profile/comictiming.bsky.social, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming/, on Threads at https://www.threads.net/@comictimingpodcast and on Instagram at http://instagram.com/comictimingpodcast. And please, if you can, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts; it helps attract new listeners! Finally, you can join in on the conversation at our Comic Timing Fans group on Facebook, which is a great place to hang out and talk comics.

Follow Ian on Bluesky, and on Instagram at http://instagram.com/i_am_scifi. Brent is on Bluesky, and he posts regularly to YouTube on his channel, BK’s Bullets.

Thanks for listening, we’ll catch you next time, and as always, there’s always time for comics!

Comic Timing – Episode 138

Episode 138 is out! Listen to Brent and Ian talk comics, like they tend to do. This includes various issues of Marvel NOW!, Amazing Spider-Man and the lead-up to issue 700, the current status of New 52 and which ones are still being read regularly, X-Men movie news, and more! Lots of casual conversation for the casual crowd. Dig it.

As always – we are sponsored by DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! For those of you who have not used DCBS before you can save an additional 8% off your first order via the promo code: CT8. Plus, be sure to check out DCBS‘ new Comixology digital store!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. And do make sure to donate to Jamal’s Kickstarter Campaign if you have the time; any amount you can give helps make Molly Danger become a reality. And as always, thanks for listening and we’ll catch you next time!

Comic Timing – Episode 129: The Best And Worst of 2011

Now that 2011 has come and gone, it’s time for Comic Timing’s annual best and worst of 2011 episode! Ian and Brent are joined by Brandon Christopher (TheDabbaDon) and Chad Burdette (caburdet78) as we ramble off everything that 2011 did for us as readers of comics and watchers of comic movies. We also ramble and meander, as always when it’s this particular grouping of individuals on a call. The questions asked to all participants on the call were as follows:

1) If you would have told me in 2010 I’d be reading ________ in 2011, I would have called you a liar.
2) My life is better since I dropped ___________.
3) Of all the NuDCU titles, _________ blew me away. It’s a shame ________ couldn’t have been this good.
4) Thank you 2011 for giving me _______. Best new title around, period.
5) When they canceled __________, I was incredibly annoyed. When they canceled ___________, I danced for joy.
6) The team of __________ and __________ were the writer/artist team of 2011 bar none.
7) __________ was a miniseries/maxiseries that told a complete story even though it only had a few issues to do it with.
8 ) Some of the prettiest pages of 2011 came from ____________’s pencils.
9) The cover to _____________ got me to buy the book.
10) The collected edition for ___________ was completely worth the price.
11) I had such high hopes for _________ until I actually sat down and read it.
12) Best writer of 2011? Had to be ________.
13) Although there weren’t many crossovers or events in 2011, ___________ was the hit of the year.
14) If I had to choose a publisher of the year, the honor goes to ____________.
15) When I read the news about ___________, 2011 changed for me.
16) Man, _________ was a story arc that completely delivered on its promises.
17) Out of all the creators out there, you could say that ___________ had the best year.
18) _____________ was the character of 2012. Who knew?
19) Going into 2012, I am looking forward to _____________ the most out of Marvel.
20) DC’s ________ has me juiced for 2012!

As always – we are sponsored by DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! For those of you who have not used DCBS before you can save an additional 8% off your first order via the promo code: CT8. Plus, be sure to check out DCBS’ new Comixology digital store! This month’s Review Corner picks are as follows:

AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #0 (OF 12): 50% off (DCBS at $1.99/regular price $3.99)

FAIREST #1: 50% off (DCBS at $1.49/regular price $2.99) or get it in the VERTIGO #1’s BUNDLE! 4 first issue comics for 75% off a piece! That’s only $2.99 for four issues!

HELL YEAH #1: 50% off (DCBS at $1.99/regular price $3.99)

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. Thanks for listening and we’ll catch you next time!

Rant Timing #3: One More Bad Story

One More Bad Story

Here’s a combo of what I’ve posted over at Newsarama and on CBR after reading Amazing Spider-Man #545: One More Day Part 4.

Won’t this affect Thunderbolts as well? After all, Norman plays a huge part in that book, and having his son back would certainly effect his decisions a lot. Would he have turned away from the darkness, or embraced it? Would he ever turn to working for the government? It’s a question that will need to be brought up, although I’ll be curious to see if Ellis even acknowledges the change. Hell, I’ll be curious to see if even BENDIS acknowledges the change in New Avengers! Wasn’t the unmasking half the reason why his teammates thought he might be a Skrull? Oh, and Dan Slott brought doubt upon Peter being Spider-Man in Avengers: The Initiative. Does this mean The Scarlet Spiders are still secret agents because they never went to help Peter?

How about Flash? Did he ever even wind up in a coma? Is he with Betty Brant, and if so, does she remember almost being killed not too long ago by a psycho woman made of spiders? Does Black Cat still know Peter is Spider-Man? Does Black Cat even remember being with Peter at all?

Is Doctor Octopus still disgusted over the fact he got beaten by a kid all these years? Better yet, is he back to being a green suited mop top villain now?

Too many questions, all thanks to Joe Quesada’s editorial mandate. Will we get answers to even HALF of these questions? Doubtful. By 2009, new EIC at Marvel. I’m calling it. Not even the best creative teams can wipe the fact that 20 years of continuity just got destroyed, all thanks to an immature young old man who hates the very idea of marriage. Quesada didn’t even bother to try with this one. All he did was wave a magic wand. But what about all those writers out there who were itching to give their shot at the current Spider-Man? Did he even bother to see if the wealth of creators would be willing to revive Spider-Man while still keeping what has made him such a compelling character over the past few years? No, he did not.

You’re a child, Joe. Sometimes that works to your advantage, as a man with an imagination makes it big in comic books. This time however, your immaturity has alienated your core audience. Does he even bother to read reader responses anymore? I mean he used to do that here on Newsarama, but I know he’s been a busy man lately, drawing an Alien headed Spider-Man for four issues. I hope he realizes our response has been almost entirely negative. I say almost because yes, there are people who saw it as a positive, and I do not want you to feel your take is invalid. I hope you enjoy what you read, more power to you. It’s just not what I’m looking for in a character or a company to spit on the past twenty years.

I started reading comics with a married Spider-Man when I was just a boy, and I loved the dynamic, even then. Now I’m left with a stranger. JMS was right.

Joe Quesada wants an uninteresting Spider-Man who lives with his Aunt even though he’s well into his twenties, and is addicted to wheat cakes. We want a Spider-Man who is compelling, knows how to grow up, and feels real. Marvel Comics was founded upon the belief that we should be able to relate to the characters as human beings. How can we possibly relate to a Peter Parker who makes a deal with the devil to erase his marriage from existence? It certainly will never happen to any of us. We cannot relate.

This is something Joe Q has forgotten, and it is the major mistake One More Day made.

The last 20 years of storytelling is indeed worthless now. My Spider-Man, the one I grew up with, the one who found a wife and friends to rely on, the one who lost his best friend in tragic circumstances, no longer exists.

Thanks, Joe. For nothing.

Comic Timing – Episode 4: Now with More Little Witch

Well, Episode 4 of Comic Timing finally shows itself, and what a show we have for you today! Due to mic issues Tobey could not join us, but instead, we are graced by the presence of the Queen of CGS Land, Amy Liff! David, Amy, and myself discuss recent goings on in comics, specifically the cancellation of the popular Dan Slott title The Thing, and Spider-Girl by Tom DeFalco. We also get into our likes and dislikes at our local Comics Book Shops, as well as our Buy It, Trade It, and Quarter Bins of the week. And finally, we read our first e-mail, which comes courtesy of Chris from Canada (eh).

As always, you can e-mail Comic Timing at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us over at Podcast Alley.

We’ll be back next with another episode, as I will be at Anime Boston from Friday til Sunday. Until then, thanks for listening, and come on back next Comic Timing.