Tag Archives: DC Comics

Comic Timing – Episode 29

Episode 29 is finally here! It took two false starts, an encroachment and a holding penalty to get this one done, but we did it, even it took three days to record. This week, Brent Kossina, and Raph Soohoo, alias Wraithmaker on the forums, author of the Bulleteer Madness Column for Raging Bullets, stop on by to discuss DC Comics in the year 2006. Did they do a better job than Marvel? What titles left us going booyah, and which titles left us going dear God why must this exist? All that and a bag of chips on this one, plus a boatload of bloopers and insanity contained within, so listen to it, and hopefully you shall enjoy!

As always, you can e-mail Comic Timing at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for Comic Timing on Podcast Alley, and give us a Digg over at Digg.com.

I hope the New Year is treating everybody well, and that 2007 continues to do so for all out there. Also, thanks for listening for the past 29 episodes, and thanks as always for downloading!

Comic Timing – Episode 27

Episode 27 of Comic Timing is finally here. Apologies for the delay in getting this one out, as it was a busy weekend, and I had little time to sit down and edit. But alas, it is indeed here! This episode, Brent Kossina, knightwingbk on the CGS forum, John Mayo of The Mayo Report, and Matt Sommer of Thats What She Said join myself for a conversation on parallel universes in comic books. We touch on What If, Elseworlds, DC and their Parallel Universes, The Ultimate Universe, Heroes Reborn, and plenty more where that came from. Plus, we read some forum comments, and explain in further detail Rob Liefeld and his unsolicited landscape pages for Hawk and Dove, which I first discovered over at Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed. So yes, plenty of great stuff, and thanks to the guys for joining in!

As always, you can e-mail Comic Timing over at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us over at Podcast Alley, and if you have the time, please fill out our Listener Survey.

Thanks to everybody for listening, and thanks for downloading as well!

Comic Timing – Episode 20B

The second part of our discussion on 52 has arrived! David D., John Mayo and I discuss key characters such as The Black Adam Family, The question and Rene Montoya, and we go in depth into the content found on Rip Hunter’s chalkboard. Want to know what half this stuff means? Listen to the episode!

Apologies for the lateness here, as it took me forever and a day to edit this one. Next week we will hopefully FINALLY have our long awaited Steve Bryant interview, which should be a great time for all involved.

If you would like to e-mail the show, you can do so at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us over at Podcast Alley.

Thanks go out to John Mayo and David D. for joining me for this one, and thanks for everyone for listening.

Comic Timing – Episode 20A

It has been a while since we have had to do a two parter, so now is as good a time as any! Comic Timing Episode 20 focuses upon the world of 52, and the characters surrounding the title. For this episode, I am joined by David D. from the Comic Geek Speak Forums, and return guest John Mayo of The Mayo Report and his brand new column on Comic Book Resources! There are spoilers for 52 in this episode, so if you are waiting for the trades to come out, this one may not be for you. We discuss such topics as who may be behind the Supernova mask, Lex Luthor and his Infinity Inc team, the life and deceptions of Booster Gold, and so on. It makes for great discussion, and I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of it.

As always, you can send your questions and comments to comictiming@gmail.com, and if you have the time, please vote for Comic Timing on Podcast Alley.

Episode 20B should be released no later than Tuesday night, and will focus mainly upon The Black Adam Family and Rip Hunter and his chalkboards. Thanks again to David D. and John Mayo for coming on the show, and hope you come on back for Part B!

Comic Timing – Episode 16

Episode 16 of Comic Timing is now up and running. This week, Matt S., Lord Shaper himself Damian Smith, and myself get together to discuss violence in comics. Are comic books still for kids, or is that a thing of the past? And if so, how are we going to get the next generation involved in the world of comic books? We go from Vertigo to Wildstorm to the MAX line to books that probably deserved this distinction, but instead ended up regular titles. If parents get involved in their children and their reading, will it stop them from reading things they should not? All this and a lot more are discussed in this episode, and Damian also premieres his brand new monthly segment, Rogues Gallery. This month he takes on Deathstroke, one of DC Comics most popular villians.

As always, you can e-mail the show over at comictiming@gmail.com, and don’t forget to vote for us on Podcast Alley.

Until next week, thanks for listening, and catch you all next time.

Comic Timing – Episode 10B

Here we are, it’s the second part of our 10th episode mega show! Sean Whelan of Raging Bullets, and Vince Bonavoglia of the Comic Geek Speak Forums join David and I as we go in depth on the ending of Infinite Crisis. Did it succeed in its attempt to be one of the greatest stories in the history of DC Comics? Are there things we would have liked to turn out differently? Should characters have lived who died, and died who lived? How obvious was it that _______ had lost his powers in issue 7? And most importantly…did it deliver on all that it promised to deliver in issue 1 by the time issue 7 came around? A warning that SPOILERS for Infinite Crisis are ahead, so if you’re one of the 2 people who have not read it yet (I keed, I keed), you may want to skip this one.

Vince has his take, which is significantly different than what Sean felt about things, while David and I take our sides as well. This was was plenty of fun, and altogether, Episode 10 is in my opinion our best episode yet. I also would like you folks to comment on the sound quality if you can, as I made some adjustments on which filters I use post production so that we all sounds close to the same level. As always, you can e-mail Comic Timing over at comictiming@gmail.com, and don’t forget to vote over at Podcast Alley.

Also a reminder about our contest. The deadline for iTunes art submissions will be August 8th. Winners will receive mini X-Men 3 posters, compliments of Wally “Brodie Baggins” Weilbaecher. And speaking of iTunes, I’m in contact with Apple on resetting my feeds so that the iTunes subscription problems will be solved soon. Until then, please subscribe to Comic Timing via the Feedburner feed at http://feeds.feedburner.com/ComicTiming for now.

Thanks for downloading folks, and we’ll see you next week.

Comic Timing – Episode 3A: The Raging Bullets Crossover

Well, it has finally arrived. Episode 3A is here, and it is a doozy. Today we are joined by Sean and Jim from The Raging Bullets Podcast for some Infinite Crisis conversation! We cover IC #7 and the series as a whole, the first issue of 52, One Year Later, and a whole lot more. A warning that this episode does contain SPOILERS for IC and IC related materials, so please shy away if you have not read these issues and wish to remain spoiler-free.

Episode 3B will be released on Friday and will have the second half of the crossover, as here was plenty to talk about here! Of course, you can e-mail any questions or comments to comictiming@gmail.com, and do not forget to vote for Comic Timing on Podcast Alley.

Thanks again to Sean and Jim, and thanks to everybody for listening. See you folks on Friday.