Tag Archives: Marvel Comics

Comic Timing – Episode 41

Episode 41 of Comic Timing hits! Well, hopefully it hits. If it flops, I will be a sad panda. Brent Kossina, Raph Soohoo, and myself review Marvel Comics latest foray into movie land, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. This episode is jam-packed with comments, both positive and negative, on the film, and what we would like to see in FF3. Give it a listen, and if you have not seen it yet, check out the movie in theaters!

After the credits and the typical bloopers are a bunch of very off-topic segments I felt had to be included. In them, we do a bit of discussion on Flash #13 and Justice League of America #10, so there will be spoilers there. And of course, we spoil the FF movies, because that makes sense!

As always, you can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us at Podcast Alley and Digg us on Digg.Com.

We will be back next weeek with our wrap up of the MoCCA Festival, plus some Marvel and DC News. Until then, thanks for listening, and thanks for downloading!

Comic Timing – Episode 40: 22 Pages #3

Our third 22 Pages review episode is here! Chris Chavez, otherwise known as Equinox on the CGS forums, returns for the first time in a while, along with Brent Kossina to discuss Nova #1 and Nova #2. The series has surprised all three of us so far, so listen in tot he episode to see what kind of surprise it left us with! Hint: we liked a lot of it.

There are spoilers ahead for both issues of Nova, so if you have not read them and would rather not be spoiled, come on back once you’ve read the issues to hear our take on them. As always, you can e-mail the show over at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us on Podcast Alley and Digg us on Digg.Com.

We will be back next week with our in depth review of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, with a whole bunch of bloopers at the end that have very little to do with the topic that might be more interesting than the episode itself. Good times!

Enjoy the show, and thanks as always for downloading!

Comic Timing – Episode 28

Episode 28 of Comic Timing has finally hit the stands! Figuratively of course, since this is a podcast, not a comic book. John Mayo, Brent Kossina, and myself go into a Year End Wrap Up of Marvel Comics this week, as we discuss our favorite titles, some that did not quite hit the spot, and some that we are looking to improve a bit more as 2007 rolls around. This episode is almost entirely edit free as a holiday treat, so you get to hear Comic Timing in its raw form for once. Hopefully it will indeed be a treat, and if not, let me know and I will not do it again, deal?

As always, you can e-mail Comic Timing at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for Comic Timing on Podcast Alley, and please Digg Comic Timing over at Digg.com!

I hope that everybody has a happy holidays, and thanks as always for listening and downloading!

Comic Timing – Episode 27

Episode 27 of Comic Timing is finally here. Apologies for the delay in getting this one out, as it was a busy weekend, and I had little time to sit down and edit. But alas, it is indeed here! This episode, Brent Kossina, knightwingbk on the CGS forum, John Mayo of The Mayo Report, and Matt Sommer of Thats What She Said join myself for a conversation on parallel universes in comic books. We touch on What If, Elseworlds, DC and their Parallel Universes, The Ultimate Universe, Heroes Reborn, and plenty more where that came from. Plus, we read some forum comments, and explain in further detail Rob Liefeld and his unsolicited landscape pages for Hawk and Dove, which I first discovered over at Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed. So yes, plenty of great stuff, and thanks to the guys for joining in!

As always, you can e-mail Comic Timing over at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us over at Podcast Alley, and if you have the time, please fill out our Listener Survey.

Thanks to everybody for listening, and thanks for downloading as well!

Comic Timing – Rogues Gallery #2: Dr. Doom

Part 1 of our 25th Episode celebration has been released, and it is in the form of our second Rogues Gallery segment! Damian Smith of The Furnace joins myself as we discuss one of Marvel Comics most powerful and maniacal villains…Dr. Doom. We discuss everything from what led him down the path to villainy, where he is now, and where he may go in the future. It is a great discussion, and well worth the listen, so listen in!

As always, you can e-mail questions and comments to comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us on Podcast Alley. Also, please let me know what you think of the site redesign, as I feel it looks much more professional now.

Anyway, enjoy the Rogues Gallery, see you later in the week for Episode 25, and thanks as always for downloading!

Comic Timing – Episode 15

Episode 15 has arrived, and with it comes the first ever 22 Pages for Comic Timing. Annihilation #1 is the title in question, and to discuss this book, and a little bit of the background behind cosmic comics of the past, Matthew Kramer aka DarthKramer joins us to share his expertise on the topic at hand. Matt S. also stops by as the resident outsider, a fan of Marvel books but not usually cosmic titles. How will he feel about Annihilation? The answer may surprise you. A reminder that Spoilers for Annihilation #1, the Annihilation Prologue and miniseries, and other former Giffen series such as Thanos and Drax will be found in this episode, so if you plan on reading these and do not wish to be spoiled, please read them, then come on back when you are ready. Also apologies for any lack of editing, as I wanted to get this episode out as planned today, so I only really had enough time to edit half the show before mixing it down, as I have a previous engagement later today.

As always, the e-mail address for Comic Timing is comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us over at Podcast Alley.

Thanks to all of our listeners for sticking by us for 15 episodes. It has been plenty of fun, and I hope we have at least 15 more in us. Enjoy the episode folks, and see you all next time.

Comic Timing – Episode 6

Here you go everybody, it is time for Episode 6 of Comic Timing. This episode has some changes, as Tobey Cook (not Cooke), departs the show. We will all miss him, but the show must go on. This week David and I are joined by Wally Weilbaecher as we discuss X-Men The Last Stand! We also touch on Ed McGuiness going to Marvel, the continuation of Manhunter for at least five more issues, and Phoenix: War Song.

You can e-mail us over at comictiming@gmail.com, and you can vote for us over at Podcast Alley if you like. Also, please check out our forums, courtesy of Comic Geek Speak. Thanks guys.

Enjoy, and see you all next week.