Tag Archives: Batman

Comic Timing – Episode 91

Review Corner Time! On this episode Ian and Brent catch up with books, some recent, some late, giving you a total of four books! Count ’em four! The books we go over are:

Captain America Comics Special #1

Flash Rebirth #1

Ignition City #1

Detective Comics #858 Whatever happened to the Caped Crusader (part 2)

Comic Timing is sponsored by Heroes Corner. Make sure to check out their deals on all the hottest comic books from the June Previews! And make sure to use the promo code CTROCKS on your first order with Heroes Corner to save an additional 5% off. For first time users of the site only. This month’s Review Corner books are as follows:

DOOM PATROL #1 – 50% off retail (HC price: $2.00 / retail: $3.99)

FANTASTIC FOUR #570 – 75% off retail (HC price: $0.75 / retail: $2.99)

DAYS MISSING #1 – 50% off retail (HC price: $0.50 / retail: $0.99)

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us at Podcast Alley and give us your reviews over on iTunes. And of course, if you can, please donate to the HERO Initiative effort if you can. Every little bit helps!

Comic Timing – Episode 68

Nanananananana Batman! Batman! Batman! Nanananananana…Batman!

Thanks to About Hereos for the image. Had to include it!

This episode, we do our Batman Movie Retrospective. We equals Juan De Jesus and Raph Soohoo of Geek Unite!, Chris Chavez alias Equinox, Leroy John Rivera alias Ziggo of Comic Tube, and Brent Kossina and myself. We go from the 1989 Batman movie all the way to Batman Returns, Batman Forever (And Ever And Ever….), Batman and Robin, and Batman Begins. We discuss what we would have done different, ratings for each movie, what we adored, The Ice Age, Alicia Silverstone and her voluptuous behind, and plenty more. On Episode 69 we shall delve into Gotham Knight and Dark Knight, so stay tuned for that! And for those of you brave enough to partake in it, a contest is announced this episode. You have been warned.

Comic Timing is sponsored by Heroes Corner. All first time Heroes Corner users can enter the promo code CTROCKS to receive an additional 5% off their first order with the site, and make sure to check out their Double Down Trades Special. Buy one trade at regular discount, you receive the second trade for 50% off! And if you use this as part of the Summer Special, buy two trades of a character and get the single issue for that character free, you get a free comic too! And finally, the Comic Timing books of the month are as follows:

Captain Britain and the MI-13 #6 – New story arc begins here! – 40% off (HC price: $1.79 / retail: $2.99)

Supergirl #34– Jamal Igle debuts as new series artist! – 40% off (HC price: $1.79 / retail: $2.99)

Hellboy: In The Chapel of Moloch #1 – Mike Mignola return to write and draw Hellboy in this very special one shot! – 75% off! (HC price: $0.75 / retail: $2.99)

Make sure to get these issues so you can listen to the newly named Comic Timing: Review Corner episode when it comes out in October!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us at Podcast Alley and Digg us at Digg.Com. And of course, if you can, please donate to the HERO Initiative effort if you can. Every little bit helps!

We shall see you next week for our take on Gotham Knight and Dark Knight, and the week after for the airing of our delayed Half Hour Wasted Crossover episode. Thanks for listening, thanks for downloading, and enjoy!

Comic Timing – Episode 51

Brent and I go into some recent rumors and news, as the road to Episode 100 begins! Only 49 to go, right? We touch on Alex Ross and his new Invaders project, Captain America and his new costume also by Ross, Batman and the rumors surrounding his demise, as well as some Nightwing conversation, and One More and Brand New Day for Spider-Man.

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us at Podcast Alley and Digg us at Digg.Com. Oh, and here is a link to the Noisy Awards, where you can vote for Comic Timing as your favorite group comic book podcast! And of course, if you can, please donate to the HERO For the Holidays effort.

Up next is Episode 52! 52! Remember da fifdeetu! See you next week, thanks for listening, and thanks for downloading.