Tag Archives: Donovan Morgan Grant

Comic Timing – Episode 143: Iron Man 3 Movie Review


The truth is…this is our Iron Man 3 review. Brent and Ian go duo for the first half hour or so, until they are joined by Donovan Morgan Grant of the Spider-Man Crawlspace Podcast, The Next Dimension: A Dragon Ball Z Podcast, and The Batman Universe Comic Podcast for the rest of the episode. SPOILERS ABOUND. You have been warned, anyone who has yet to journey to the theater to see this summer blockbuster. There is some good debate to be found here, so listen and get your Iron Man on.

As always – we are sponsored by DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! For those of you who have not used DCBS before you can save an additional 8% off your first order via the promo code: CT8. Plus, be sure to check out DCBS‘ new Comixology digital store!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. Thanks for listening and we’ll catch you next time!

Comic Timing – Episode 125: The NuDCU

125 episodes of Comic Timing! Holy crap! To celebrate, Brent and Ian say farewell to the old DC Universe with a review of Flashpoint #5 and say hello to the new one with Justice League #1! We are also joined by longtime listener Donovan Morgan Grant for the Justice League conversation. Plus, there is plenty of conversation and clarification on Brent’s Editorial on why he feels some comic shops might not be using the DC Relaunch to its fullest potential.

As always – we are sponsored by DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! This month you can get the entire DCnU for 50% off when you buy all of the issue #3’s – otherwise they are at an astonishing 40% off! And for those of you who have not used DCBS before you can save an additional 8% off your first order via the promo code: CT8. Plus, be sure to check out DCBS’ new Comixology digital store!

We are also sponsored by New York Comic Con. This year’s show is taking place from October 13 – 16 as the show is now FOUR DAYS LONG! Be sure to stop by Podcast Arena to chat with Ian or to pimp your books!

Thanks for listening and we will see you in October for our review of the rest of the New 52.