Tag Archives: Marvel Comics

Comic Timing – Episode 180: Hydra’s Civil Rebirth


Just like DC Comics’ worst kept spoiler in a while, we’re back! On today’s episode, Brent and Ian are joined by the Raph himself, Raphael Soohoo to discuss Captain America: Civil War, Bendis’ Civil War II, Free Comic Book Day and what comics were grabbed at said Free Comic Book Day, DC Comics: Rebirth #1, DC Rebirth in general, the whole Captain America Hydra kerfuffle, Comixology Unlimited, and more! More includes how comics have changed in the past ten years since the show started, by the way. That was fun!

Ian also meant to talk about X-Men Apocalypse but didn’t, but there’s two minutes or so of talk in the after show, and there might be an Extra Point soon talking more about it. So do stay tuned for more on that and other topics, loyal listeners.

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. Be sure to follow Ian on Twitter @i_am_scifi, or on Tumblr at heehaw-ds9.tumblr.com; Brent is on Twitter too @kossinab, and Raph is @RaphReadsComics. And finally, if you want to read Raph’s Nerds of Color article that was mentioned in this episode, you can do so here.

Thanks again for listening, and we’ll catch you next time!

Comic Timing – Episode 177: Deadpool Review


It’s time to make the chimichangas! Brent and Ian are joined by longtime friend of the show, and Supershow Episode veteran, Steve Katz, as they review the Rated R Superstar, Deadpool! Get ready for a pretty even-handed review of the film, as not everybody was completely thrilled with it. But some were! Two distinct opinions within with civil conversation throughout. Madness, right? Anywho, of course there’s madness! It’s Deadpool! And oh, spoilers, because duh. Then, the episode concludes with some quick talk about DC’s upcoming Rebirth.

As always – we are sponsored by the newly redesigned DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! All comics from major publishers like Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse are 40% off or more. And hardcovers and trade paperbacks from Marvel and DC are at least 50% off! Plus, be sure to check out their Comixology digital storefront for even further savings!

Stay tuned in the upcoming weeks for information on our Patreon, which should be launching real soon. If you want to support Comic Timing and help keep it going for years to come, that’s one of the many ways you can do so. You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. You can follow Ian on Twitter @i_am_scifi, or on Tumblr at heehaw-ds9.tumblr.com; Brent is on Twitter too @kossinab. And check out Steve’s movie reviews at his website, The Alpha Primitive.

Thanks for listening, and we’ll catch you next time!

Comic Timing – Episode 176: A Raging Review of 2015


Just like that, 2015 has shrunk in between the atoms, never to be seen again! In its place stands 2016, which also happens to be the 10th year of Comic Timing. And what better way to start off this milestone year than with two of Brent and Ian’s mos regular guests: Sean Whelan and Jim Segulin of the Raging Bullets podcast! The crew of four go over Secret Wars and Convergence, some of their favorite comics and comic related media of this past year, and some things that are older than that but were discovered in 2015. There’s also a decent amount of Star Wars talk to be had, including everyone’s (except for Jim who hasn’t seen it yet) overall impressions of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Plus, random segues into talking about meatloaf the food, Meatloaf the singer, and Fuller House. And, shock of shocks, we mention Fant4stic. It’s a grand old time, I tells ya! WHATISH!

As always – we are sponsored by the newly redesigned DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! All comics from major publishers like Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse are 40% off or more. And hardcovers and trade paperbacks from Marvel and DC are at least 50% off! Plus, be sure to check out their Comixology digital storefront for even further savings!

Stay tuned in the upcoming weeks for information on our Patreon, which should be launching right at the begnning of February. If you want to support Comic Timing and help keep it going for years to come, that’s one of the many ways you can do so. You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. You can follow Ian on Twitter @i_am_scifi, or on Tumblr at heehaw-ds9.tumblr.com; Brent is on Twitter too @kossinab.

Thanks to all you listeners out there, and here’s to one heck of a 2016!

Comic Timing – Episode 169: Daredevil, Creator Rights and Convergence


There’s a whole lot to cover this episode! Ian and Brent are joined by long-time friends of the show, Donovan Morgan Grant of the The Comic Book Film Revue Podcast, and Chris Johnson, talk Netflix’s Daredevil series, with SPOILERS abound. We talk about the plot, characters, setting, and even his horns. From there, conversation meanders to Gerry Conway‘s issues with DC Comics and creator rights in general, followed by some talk about the first few weeks of DC’s Convergence. Oh, and a little bit of Megacon and MoCCA Fest reactions. Plenty of talk to go around, and even a DeFalco bomb or two for old time’s sake.

As always – we are sponsored by the newly redesigned DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! All comics from major publishers like Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse are 40% off or more. And hardcovers and trade paperbacks from Marvel and DC are at least 50% off! Plus, be sure to check out their Comixology digital storefront for even further savings!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. Thanks, and we’ll catch you next time!

Comic Timing Episode 165 – Part 2: Spider-Man Movie News, 2014 Wrap-Up Conclusion and More


Double the pleasure, double the fun! Not only do you get two episodes in a matter of days, but this episode itself is two episodes in one! First, Kris and Ian talk all about the Spider-Man movie franchise news, including his appearance in the Marvel Movie Universe, plus Kevin Feige’s involvement in future Sony Spider-Man movies. We also discuss the Miles Morales vs. Peter Parker movie debate, the Fantastic Four trailer and how it will more than likely not be for us, Michael Fassbender potentially playing Boba Fett, Ian finally watching Blade for the first time, Peggy Carter: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (both Kris’ praise, and Brent’s dislike from a pre-show conversation), The Walking Dead (SPOILERS) and more!

We then segue into the rest of our Best and Worst of 2014, questions 8-15, featuring Ian, Brent, Brandon, Chad and Yanni. Expect things to be just as grumpy, exhausted and insane as they were in Part 1. It’s a mess, but in a good way. Enjoy!

As always – we are sponsored by the newly redesigned DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! All comics from major publishers like Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse are 40% off or more. And hardcovers and trade paperbacks from Marvel and DC are at least 50% off! Plus, be sure to check out their Comixology digital storefront for even further savings!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. Thanks, and we’ll catch you next time!

Comic Timing Episode 165 – Part 1: 2014 Year End Wrap-Up


Episode 165 is all about wrapping up the year 2014! And we do it in style, with an Ornery Brent, a somewhat calm Ian, a quiet Chad Burdette, a shot drinking Michael Yanni, and a Toys R’ Us Brandon Christopher. Which is the standard Brandon Christopher. We go over the first half of our yearly comic book questionnaire here; the rest will be covered in part 2, which should be out in about a week’s time. Keep and eye out!

As always – we are sponsored by the newly redesigned DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! All comics from major publishers like Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse are 40% off or more. And hardcovers and trade paperbacks from Marvel and DC are at least 50% off! Plus, be sure to check out their Comixology digital storefront for even further savings!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. Thanks, and we’ll catch you next time!

Comic Timing – Episode 143: Iron Man 3 Movie Review


The truth is…this is our Iron Man 3 review. Brent and Ian go duo for the first half hour or so, until they are joined by Donovan Morgan Grant of the Spider-Man Crawlspace Podcast, The Next Dimension: A Dragon Ball Z Podcast, and The Batman Universe Comic Podcast for the rest of the episode. SPOILERS ABOUND. You have been warned, anyone who has yet to journey to the theater to see this summer blockbuster. There is some good debate to be found here, so listen and get your Iron Man on.

As always – we are sponsored by DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! For those of you who have not used DCBS before you can save an additional 8% off your first order via the promo code: CT8. Plus, be sure to check out DCBS‘ new Comixology digital store!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. Thanks for listening and we’ll catch you next time!

Comic Timing – Episode 138

Episode 138 is out! Listen to Brent and Ian talk comics, like they tend to do. This includes various issues of Marvel NOW!, Amazing Spider-Man and the lead-up to issue 700, the current status of New 52 and which ones are still being read regularly, X-Men movie news, and more! Lots of casual conversation for the casual crowd. Dig it.

As always – we are sponsored by DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! For those of you who have not used DCBS before you can save an additional 8% off your first order via the promo code: CT8. Plus, be sure to check out DCBS‘ new Comixology digital store!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. And do make sure to donate to Jamal’s Kickstarter Campaign if you have the time; any amount you can give helps make Molly Danger become a reality. And as always, thanks for listening and we’ll catch you next time!

Comic Timing – Episode 129: The Best And Worst of 2011

Now that 2011 has come and gone, it’s time for Comic Timing’s annual best and worst of 2011 episode! Ian and Brent are joined by Brandon Christopher (TheDabbaDon) and Chad Burdette (caburdet78) as we ramble off everything that 2011 did for us as readers of comics and watchers of comic movies. We also ramble and meander, as always when it’s this particular grouping of individuals on a call. The questions asked to all participants on the call were as follows:

1) If you would have told me in 2010 I’d be reading ________ in 2011, I would have called you a liar.
2) My life is better since I dropped ___________.
3) Of all the NuDCU titles, _________ blew me away. It’s a shame ________ couldn’t have been this good.
4) Thank you 2011 for giving me _______. Best new title around, period.
5) When they canceled __________, I was incredibly annoyed. When they canceled ___________, I danced for joy.
6) The team of __________ and __________ were the writer/artist team of 2011 bar none.
7) __________ was a miniseries/maxiseries that told a complete story even though it only had a few issues to do it with.
8 ) Some of the prettiest pages of 2011 came from ____________’s pencils.
9) The cover to _____________ got me to buy the book.
10) The collected edition for ___________ was completely worth the price.
11) I had such high hopes for _________ until I actually sat down and read it.
12) Best writer of 2011? Had to be ________.
13) Although there weren’t many crossovers or events in 2011, ___________ was the hit of the year.
14) If I had to choose a publisher of the year, the honor goes to ____________.
15) When I read the news about ___________, 2011 changed for me.
16) Man, _________ was a story arc that completely delivered on its promises.
17) Out of all the creators out there, you could say that ___________ had the best year.
18) _____________ was the character of 2012. Who knew?
19) Going into 2012, I am looking forward to _____________ the most out of Marvel.
20) DC’s ________ has me juiced for 2012!

As always – we are sponsored by DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! For those of you who have not used DCBS before you can save an additional 8% off your first order via the promo code: CT8. Plus, be sure to check out DCBS’ new Comixology digital store! This month’s Review Corner picks are as follows:

AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #0 (OF 12): 50% off (DCBS at $1.99/regular price $3.99)

FAIREST #1: 50% off (DCBS at $1.49/regular price $2.99) or get it in the VERTIGO #1’s BUNDLE! 4 first issue comics for 75% off a piece! That’s only $2.99 for four issues!

HELL YEAH #1: 50% off (DCBS at $1.99/regular price $3.99)

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. Thanks for listening and we’ll catch you next time!

Comic Timing – Episode 126: NYCC News and Opinions

Episode 126 is all about the 2011 edition of the New York Comic Con. Now that it has came and went, Brent, Ian and Darrell Taylor of The Taylor Network go over all the news that came out of the show. This includes movies, DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, IDW and more. Darrell and Ian also give some first-hand perspective as they were the ones that attended the show.

For more on New York Comic Con, stay tuned for Episode 127 which will have all the interviews Ian conducted on the floor of the show, as well as some further commentary from friends of the podcast. Also, be sure to check out Episode 66 of The PKD Black Box, where Ian sits in with Shawn Pryor and Donny Salvo to talk about the con.

As always – we are sponsored by DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! This month you can get the entire DCnU for 50% off when you buy all of the issue #4’s – otherwise they are at an astonishing 40% off! And for those of you who have not used DCBS before you can save an additional 8% off your first order via the promo code: CT8. Plus, be sure to check out DCBS’ new Comixology digital store! Here are this month’s Review Corner picks:

DEFENDERS #1: 50% off (DCBS at $1.99/regular price $3.99)

RAY #1 (OF 4): 50% off (DCBS at $1.49/regular price $2.99)

MEMORIAL #1 (OF 6) : 50% off (DCBS at $1.99/regular price $3.99)

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. Thanks for listening and we’ll catch you next time!