Tag Archives: Donovan Morgan Grant

Comic Timing Episode 205 – Zack Snyder Presents Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Tonight we celebrate fifteen years of the podcast! In turn, we review, and dissect, Zack Snyder’s Justice League. A warning that if you’re a pure fan of this and other Zack Snyder films this might not be for you. But if you’re looking for a critical eye that delves into what works and what doesn’t, then this will work for you.

Outside of your cohosts Ian Levenstein and Brent Kossina, guests include artist Jamal Igle, writer and podcaster Kris Naudus, and longtime Comic Timing contributors Brandon Christopher, Donovan Morgan Grant, and Raphael Soohoo.

You can support future releases of Comic Timing and get in on slightly earlier releases of the show at http://www.patreon.com/ComicTiming. You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. You can follow Ian on Twitter at @i_am_scifi, and on Instagram at http://instagram.com/i_am_scifi; Brent is on Twitter at @kossinab, and he posts regularly to YouTube on his channel, BK’s Bullets; Kris is on Twitter @lampbane and @KrisNaudus for the professional Tweets, and Instagram at http://www.instagram.com/lampbane, and she writes and contributes content regularly over at Engadget. One of her latest articles is on Falcon and Winter Soldier and its connection to the MCU. Jamal is on Twitter at @jamaligle, Brandon is at @TheDabbaDon and Donovan is at @donoDMG1.

Thank you to all who support and listen to the show in any way and have done so these fifteen years, and we’ll talk to you next time!

Episode 204: A Bit Delayed, But Still Relevant

Hey there, 2021 people! Miss us? Well, we certainly missed you. So much so in fact, that we packed as much conversation into this episode as we could fit. This includes HBO Max and all the movies heading to it, Mandalorian Season Two and the state of Star Wars, Batman/Catwoman #1, Batman: Three Jokers, the approaching Zack Snyder’s Justice League, Star Trek: Discovery, some further thoughts on both the movie and TV versions of Watchmen, Marvel Snapshots: Cyclops, and a whole lot more. Expect some spoilers, and tons of comradery.

This is also the beginning of a new era, as Ian just officially launched his Patreon! If you are a fan of the show and want to support continued web hosting costs, domain renewals, and production of the show as well as that of Comic Geek Speak that Ian conducts on the regular, head on over to http://www.patreon.com/ComicTiming and become a Patron! And expect some exclusive podcasting and blog content to come over there.

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. You can follow Ian on Twitter @i_am_scifi, on Instagram at i_am_scifi or on Tumblr at heehaw-ds9.tumblr.com, he is also now a regular voice in the rotation on the Comic Geek Speak podcast, and has written a few articles for Engadget; Brent is on Twitter @kossinab, and he posts regularly to YouTube on his channel, BK’s Bullets. Brandon is on Twitter @TheDabbaDon, thedabbadon on Instagram, and Geekcetra on Tumblr, and is co-host of the Pop Culture Clash Podcast. Donovan can be found on Twitter @DonoDMG1, is a contributor to the DC Universe site, and is co-host of Questions: We Don’t Have Answers.

Thank you so much for your continued support of the show, and we’ll catch you next time, hopefully a bit more regular in this new year!

Comic Timing – Episode 203: Comic Geek Speak Comic Talk Crossover

There’s peanut butter in my chocolate. There’s chocolate in my peanut butter. And together it tastes like a podcast crossover…Comic Talk style! Chris and Ian are joined by the Comic Timing Podcast’s co-host Brent Kossina, regular rotating guest Donovan Morgan Grant, and last but not least, the CGS return of the one and only artistic juggernaut, Jamal Igle! The combined crew delves deep into DC Comics recent layoffs and cancellations, its new interim Editors in Chiefs, the impending return of Milestone Comics, and thoughts on what may come next for the publisher as all of these changes begin to settle in. We also discuss the Stargirl Season One Finale (spoilers), the fate of the DC Universe app and its originals, Scott Snyder’s new Kickstarter and Image Imprint, Kirkman and Samnee’s Fire Power, Umbrella Academy (both the Netflix series and comic), Doom Patrol Season 2, Bendis’ Superman, Nick Spencer’s Amazing Spider-Man, Immortal Hulk, the end of Joshua Williamson’s Flash, Birthright from Image Comics, The Old Guard, and more. And of course, learn more about the upcoming return of Tom Peyer and Jamal Igle’s The Wrong Earth: Night and Day! (2:18:48)

Comic Timing – Episode 201: It’s Been A While, Stay Home and Listen

Miss us? We sure did miss you! In this time of uncertainly, doubt and worry, we here at Comic Timing do our best to take your mind off of things. Brent, Ian, Donovan, Brandon and Raph gather to discuss a wide range of topics, from DC’s removal of Dan Didio to convention cancellations due to the outbreak and the future of conventions, from HBO’s Watchmen to Doomsday Clock, from CW’s Crisis on Infinite Earths to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and a whole lot more. Strap in for nearly three hours of distraction, and please, wash your hands, social distance, and stay the heck home people!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. You can follow Ian on Twitter @i_am_scifi, on Instagram at i_am_scifi or on Tumblr at heehaw-ds9.tumblr.com, he is also now a regular voice in the rotation on the Comic Geek Speak podcast, and has written a few articles for Engadget; Brent is on Twitter @kossinab, and he posts regularly to YouTube on his channel, BK’s Bullets. Brandon is on Twitter @TheDabbaDon, thedabbadon on Instagram, and Geekcetra on Tumblr, and is co-host of the Pop Culture Clash Podcast. Raph can be found on Twitter @RaphDoesStuff and at the Nerd Ranting blog, you can check out his old articles and comic reviews on ComicsVerse, and do check out the D&D live stream he produces weekly on Twitch, Natural Ones. Or you can check out his new podcast, Raph Talks Stuff. Donovan can be found on Twitter @DonoDMG1, is a contributor to the DC Universe site, and is co-host of Questions: We Don’t Have Answers. And be sure to listen to his thoughts on the Birds of Prey movie on the Comic Book Film Revue podcast.

Thanks as always for listening, especially in these weird times, and we’ll catch you guys next time!

Comic Timing – Episode 198: Dark Phoenix, The MCU, and Whatever It Takes

Just under the June wire, a new episode of Comic Timing hits the Internet! This time, Ian, Brent,m Brandon and Donovan go nose deep into a variety of topics, ranging from the Game of Thrones finale to Dark Phoenix, DC’s announcements related to the Legion of Super-Heroes, Wally West, and the JSA, the DC Universe streaming app, Tom King’s Batman, where the MCU may be headed in Phase Four, and Avengers: Endgame returning to theaters. Plus, other stuff!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. You can follow Ian on Twitter @i_am_scifi, on Instagram at i_am_scifi or on Tumblr at heehaw-ds9.tumblr.com, and he is now a regular voice in the rotation on the Comic Geek Speak podcast; Brent is on Twitter @kossinab, and he posts regularly to YouTube on his channel, BK’s Bullets. Brandon is on Twitter @TheDabbaDon, thedabbadon on Instagram, and Geekcetra on Tumblr, and is co-host of the Pop Culture Clash Podcast. Donovan can be found on Twitter @DonoDMG1, and is co-host of Questions: We Don’t Have Answers.

Until next time, thanks for listening, and wear sunscreen it’s summer out there!

Comic Timing – Episode 197: Shazam, Batman and Stuff

Episode 197 of Comic Timing is here, and it’s magical! Listen in as Raph, Ian, Brent, Donovan and Brandon go in depth on their thoughts on the recently released Shazam movie, plus a bevy of other topics and discussions. Those include Donovan’s trip to Bowling Green University for their Batman in Popular Culture Conference, thoughts on Gotham’s final season, Heroes in Crisis, Justice League vs The Fatal Five, and a bunch of other things. Spend some time with the boys, and next episode we’ll give you ENDGAME!!!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. You can follow Ian on Twitter @i_am_scifi, on Instagram at i_am_scifi or on Tumblr at heehaw-ds9.tumblr.com, and he is now a regular voice in the rotation on the Comic Geek Speak podcast; Brent is on Twitter @kossinab, and he posts regularly to YouTube on his channel, BK’s Bullets. Brandon is on Twitter @TheDabbaDon, thedabbadon on Instagram, and Geekcetra on Tumblr, and is co-host of the Pop Culture Clash Podcast. Raph can be found on Twitter @RaphDoesStuff and at the Nerd Ranting blog, and he posts articles and comic reviews regularly for ComicsVerse. Or you can add to his GoFundMe campaign, while Raph awaits disability. Donovan can be found on Twitter @DonoDMG1, is co-host of Questions: We Don’t Have Answers, and check out Episode 173 of Batgirl to Oracle to hear his Batman Conference presentation!

Until next time, whatever it takes, we’ll talk to you then!

Comic Timing – Episode 193: SDCC Got a Gunn

Episode 193 of Comic Timing has arrived! This time, Brent and Ian are joined by Donovan Morgan Grant and, for the first time in AGES, Mr. Bob Bretall! Donovan and Bob are fresh off their adventures at San Diego Comic Con, so they’re here to discuss what they saw, what they did, and how it has changed over the years. We also go into trailers such as Aquaman and SHAZAM!, the return of Batman’s blue outer undies, and the developments involving James Gunn and his firing from Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3.

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. You can follow Ian on Twitter @i_am_scifi, on Instagram at i_am_scifi or on Tumblr at heehaw-ds9.tumblr.com; Brent is on Twitter too @kossinab; Donovan can be found on Twitter @DonoDMG1, and you can find Bob at Comics Spectrum.

Until next time, stay cool! It’s hot out there.

Comic Timing – Episode 191: Black Panther Review






We’re back with Black Panther review! And Comics talk! Ian, Brent, Brandon, and Donovan return! Listen to how Brent and Brandon take on Donovan in an epic clash over how T’challa has nothing to do! Did T’challa lose both waterfall fights? Find out, on Comic Timing!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. You can follow Ian on Twitter @i_am_scifi, on Instagram at i_am_scifi or on Tumblr at heehaw-ds9.tumblr.com; Brent is on Twitter too @kossinab; Brandon is on Twitter @TheDabbaDon, thedabbadon on Instagram, and Geekcetra on Tumblr. Donovan can be found on Twitter @DonoDMG1.

Comic Timing – Episode 184: Changing Political Climates and Comics


As the title implies, Comic Timing goes political this episode, partially as some catharsis after the events of the past few weeks, and also as a way to try and explain and further understand the political climate, and how it effects the comic book industry. Brandon Christopher of Pop Culture Clash, Donovan Moragn Grant of Questions, We Don’t Have Answers, Brent Kossina and Ian Levenstein discuss the decision made by Humberto Ramos and George Perez to refuse attending conventions in Red States after the President Elect takes office, as well as comic shops refusing to stock Motor Crush issue 1 because it has a black female lead. We also discuss tangential political topics that are not entirely comic related, but are still relevant to the overall conversation.

This episode may not be for everyone, but I really do feel like there is some excellent conversation within. No punches were pulled, but everyone involved did their best to be respectful while speaking their minds. Give it a listen and see for yourself!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. You can follow Ian on Twitter @i_am_scifi, on Instagram at i_am_scifi or on Tumblr at heehaw-ds9.tumblr.com; Brent is on Twitter too @kossinab; Brandon is on Twitter @TheDabbaDon, thedabbadon on Instagram, and Geekcetra on Tumblr; Donovan is @donoDMG1 on Twitter.

Thanks again for listening, and we’ll see you next time for Doctor Strange, Luke Cage and more!

Comic Timing – Episode 169: Daredevil, Creator Rights and Convergence


There’s a whole lot to cover this episode! Ian and Brent are joined by long-time friends of the show, Donovan Morgan Grant of the The Comic Book Film Revue Podcast, and Chris Johnson, talk Netflix’s Daredevil series, with SPOILERS abound. We talk about the plot, characters, setting, and even his horns. From there, conversation meanders to Gerry Conway‘s issues with DC Comics and creator rights in general, followed by some talk about the first few weeks of DC’s Convergence. Oh, and a little bit of Megacon and MoCCA Fest reactions. Plenty of talk to go around, and even a DeFalco bomb or two for old time’s sake.

As always – we are sponsored by the newly redesigned DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! All comics from major publishers like Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse are 40% off or more. And hardcovers and trade paperbacks from Marvel and DC are at least 50% off! Plus, be sure to check out their Comixology digital storefront for even further savings!

You can e-mail the show at comictiming@gmail.com and be sure to Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ComicTiming. Thanks, and we’ll catch you next time!