Tag Archives: Brent Kossina

Comic Timing – Episode 31

It’s time for Hollywood! Brent Kossina of BKs Bullets, Raph Soohoo of Geeks Unite! and John Mayo of the Comic Book Page Podcast join in for a thorough discussion on whether or not we feel the comic book world is meat for Hollywood writers. Is the lateness worth it? Do they get the characters right? Do they simply take away jobs from the true comic book writers? We get into it all here.

If you have any comments you would like to send, please do so over at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us over at Podcast Alley and Digg us over at Digg.Com if you get the chance.

Thanks for listening, thanks for downloading, and see you soon!

Comic Timing – Episode 30

Episode 30 of Comic Timing is up to bat! Sorry, I miss baseball already. Only a few more weeks until Spring Training. Woo hoo! Anyway, back on topic. Brandon Christopher of The Quarter Bin Podcast and Brent Kossina of BKs Bullets via Raging Bullets stop on by to review one of the hottest comic books around these days. Spoilers aplenty as we delve into Justice Society of America #1 and 2. There are also a few spoilers that are marked ahead of time for the latest 52, and one or two about Civil War: Frontline #10, just to warn you folks. Barrel of laughs to put together and to be a part of, so I hope everybody enjoys it!

We also announce the winner of the Comic Timing Contest this episode, so anybody looking to find out who the victor is, listen in! The Announcement is located near the end of the episode. As always, you can contact Comic Timing at comictiming@gmail.com, and please Digg us at Digg.com, and vote for Comic Timing over at Podcast Alley. And if you are on Comic Space, you can find me listed as i_am_scifi, so send me a friend request!

One last reminder to check out part two of our crossover with Raging Bullets, which should be released this upcoming Thursday, as Matt and I join Jim and Sean to review Batman Confidential #1. And thanks for listening and downloading. See you next time!

Comic Timing – Episode 29

Episode 29 is finally here! It took two false starts, an encroachment and a holding penalty to get this one done, but we did it, even it took three days to record. This week, Brent Kossina, and Raph Soohoo, alias Wraithmaker on the forums, author of the Bulleteer Madness Column for Raging Bullets, stop on by to discuss DC Comics in the year 2006. Did they do a better job than Marvel? What titles left us going booyah, and which titles left us going dear God why must this exist? All that and a bag of chips on this one, plus a boatload of bloopers and insanity contained within, so listen to it, and hopefully you shall enjoy!

As always, you can e-mail Comic Timing at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for Comic Timing on Podcast Alley, and give us a Digg over at Digg.com.

I hope the New Year is treating everybody well, and that 2007 continues to do so for all out there. Also, thanks for listening for the past 29 episodes, and thanks as always for downloading!

Comic Timing – Episode 28

Episode 28 of Comic Timing has finally hit the stands! Figuratively of course, since this is a podcast, not a comic book. John Mayo, Brent Kossina, and myself go into a Year End Wrap Up of Marvel Comics this week, as we discuss our favorite titles, some that did not quite hit the spot, and some that we are looking to improve a bit more as 2007 rolls around. This episode is almost entirely edit free as a holiday treat, so you get to hear Comic Timing in its raw form for once. Hopefully it will indeed be a treat, and if not, let me know and I will not do it again, deal?

As always, you can e-mail Comic Timing at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for Comic Timing on Podcast Alley, and please Digg Comic Timing over at Digg.com!

I hope that everybody has a happy holidays, and thanks as always for listening and downloading!

Comic Timing – Episode 27

Episode 27 of Comic Timing is finally here. Apologies for the delay in getting this one out, as it was a busy weekend, and I had little time to sit down and edit. But alas, it is indeed here! This episode, Brent Kossina, knightwingbk on the CGS forum, John Mayo of The Mayo Report, and Matt Sommer of Thats What She Said join myself for a conversation on parallel universes in comic books. We touch on What If, Elseworlds, DC and their Parallel Universes, The Ultimate Universe, Heroes Reborn, and plenty more where that came from. Plus, we read some forum comments, and explain in further detail Rob Liefeld and his unsolicited landscape pages for Hawk and Dove, which I first discovered over at Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed. So yes, plenty of great stuff, and thanks to the guys for joining in!

As always, you can e-mail Comic Timing over at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us over at Podcast Alley, and if you have the time, please fill out our Listener Survey.

Thanks to everybody for listening, and thanks for downloading as well!

Comic Timing – Episode 23

Here it is folks, Episode 23. Today on the show, Bob Bretall, torchsong, and knightwingBK from the forums join in on a discussion on the sensation sweeping the nation, manga! Sure, it has been around for years, but it is certainly bigger than ever. So listen in, and see what we think about it.

As always, you can e-mail us at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us over at Podcast Alley.

Thanks for listening, thanks for downloading, and enjoy!

Comic Timing – Episode 22

Episode 22 of Comic Timing is here! Today, Matt S., Brent Kossina aka KnightwingBK on the forums, and Ian discuss what is happening in the world of comics. Such things include Stuart Immonen on Ultimate Spider-Man, the end of NextWAVE as an ongoing, Superman Returns has a sequell, Bruce Campbell has someone new to play for Spider-Man 3, Moon Knight heading to TV, and a whole lot more.

As of this episode, Comic Timing is proud to have The New York Comic Con as its sponsor! Please check out their web site, and I hope to see you there. And if you do go, please make sure to stop by the Podcast Arena to say hello.

As always, you can e-mail Comic Timing at comictiming@gmail.com, and please vote for us over at Podcast Alley.

Thanks once again to Brent for joining us this week, and thanks to all you listeners for downloading!