Category Archives: Review Corner

Comic Timing Episode 239 – Review Corner: Radiant Black, Volume 1

A long-awaited episode from the before-times finally makes its way from deep space and into your ear holes! And with it, a return to the long-dormant Review Corner format of Comic Timing episodes. The foursome of Ian, Chris Eberle, Adam Murdough and Shane Kelly get their hands on Kyle Higgins and Marcelo Costa’s epic introduction to the Massive-verse, Radiant Black! This first volume covers the first six issues of the book, as Nathan moves back home just in time to accidentally come across a Radiant, granting him ever-growing gravity abilities. With the assistance of his best friend Marshall, he tries to figure this all out, while also figuring himself out. And if you think that’s the whole of the story, there’s a lot more where that came from! For instance, who is Radiant Red? And what villains are trying to track these new heroes (?) down and make their power their own? So much to uncover, so much to learn, and we are ready to dive right in!

And here is the video version of the podcast:

You can support future releases of Comic Timing and get in on the occasional early releases of the show at Video versions of the show, as well as occasional shorts and other goodies are available at

Follow Comic Timing on Bluesky at, on Facebook at, on Threads at and on Instagram at And please, if you can, leave us a review on Apple Podcasts; it helps attract new listeners!

Finally, we have a Facebook Group that is thriving nicely. If you’d like to join, do so!

Follow Ian on Twitter at, on Bluesky, Threads, and on Instagram at

Thanks for listening as always, we hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season, and we will catch you all next time! And as always, there’s always time for comics!

Comic Timing – Episode 124 Review Corner Catch-ALL

Hey Everybody! This is Ian and Brent’s Review Corner Catch-ALL! We’re getting all caught up before DC relaunches in September! We go over:

Moon Knight #1
Captain America: Fighting Avenger
Captain America #1
Iron Man #500.1
Super Dinosaur #1
Red Wing #1
Young Justice #1
Kirby Genesis #1
Jennifer Blood #1
Doc Macabre #1
Halcyon #1
Infinite Vacation #1
Shazam #1
FF #1
Brightest Day #23-24
Daredevil Reborn#1
Daredevil #1
Dollhouse: Epitaph #1

As always – we are sponsored by DCBS! That’s right! Discount Comic Book Service! This month you can get the entire DCnU for 50% off when you buy all of them – otherwise they are at an astonishing 42% off! And for those of you who have not used DCBS before you can save an additional 8% off your first order via the promo code: CT8. Here are our Review Corner picks for the month:

Shade #1


Star Trek/Legion of Super-heroes #1




Episode 117 – Review Corner!

Review Corner time! From waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy back in October, before Brent got hitched! So here is a time machine to some books you’ve probably read and forgotten about by now…

Superman #701
Legion of Superheroes #1
Haunt #7
Wolverine #1
Thor #610
Star Trek: Wrath of Khan #1
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #1
Morning Glories #1
Kick-Ass 2 #1

This episode of Comic Timing is sponsored by…DCBS! That’s right, Discount Comic Book Service is the new sponsor of Comic Timing. For all first time users of the site, make sure to use the promo code CT8 at checkout to receive an additional 8% off your first order! Here are our Review Corner picks for the month:

GARTH ENNIS JENNIFER BLOOD #1: 75% off retail (DCBS price $0.99/regular price $3.90)

YOUNG JUSTICE #1: 50% off retail (DCBS price $1.49/regular price $2.99)

INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #500.1: 50% off retail (DCBS price $1.49/regular price $2.99)

You can e-mail the show at, and please vote for us at Podcast Alley and give us your reviews over on iTunes. And of course, if you can, please donate to the HERO Initiative effort if you can. Every little bit helps! Also, make sure to check out Ian in BrokenSea Production’s latest Twilight Theatre episode, “The Cloud!

Comic Timing – Episode 110

It’s time for another Review Corner, as Brent and Ian catch up on a bunch of books that have been released in the last month or two (or three). We cover New Avengers Finale, Avengers #1, The Tick FCBD, Secret Avengers #1, Batman Beyond #1, X-Men #1, and Birds of Prey #1

This episode of Comic Timing is sponsored by…DCBS! That’s right, Discount Comic Book Service is the new sponsor of Comic Timing. For all first time users of the site, make sure to use the promo code CT8 at checkout to receive an additional 8% off your first order!

Comic Timing – Episode 107

Review Corner Time again!  We go over Last Stand of New Krypton #1, Sif #1, and Brightest Day #0! Check it out!

This episode of Comic Timing is sponsored by…DCBS! That’s right, Discount Comic Book Service is the new sponsor of Comic Timing. For all first time users of the site, make sure to use the promo code CT8 at checkout to receive an additional 8% off your first order! Along with the new sponsor, here are our Review Corner picks for the month:

TRUE BLOOD #1: 50% off retail (DCBS price $1.99/regular price $3.99)

SUPERMAN #701: 40% off retail (DCBS price $1.79/regular price $2.99)

X-MEN #1: 75% off retail (DCBS price $0.99/regular price $3.99)

You can e-mail the show at, and please vote for us at Podcast Alley and give us your reviews over on iTunes. And of course, if you can, please donate to the HERO Initiative effort if you can. Every little bit helps!

Until next time, thanks for listening, and thanks for downloading!

Comic Timing – Episode 103

Hey Gang! We’re back with another review corner! Ian and Brent go over: Human Target, Wierd World of Jack Staff, Chase Variant: One Shot (is all I need), Avengers vs. Atlas, Doomwar, and Blackest Night: Atom and Hawkman!  Keep looking out next week for a Megacon/Emerald City Con wrap up!

CT Picks for May are:


Comic Timing – Episode 101

Review Corner Time! Check it ouuuuuuuut!!!!!! 6 books! 6!

We go over:
JSA All Stars #1
Secret Warriors #11
Conan the Cimmerian: Weight of the Crown #1
Captain America: Reborn #5
R.E.B.E.L.S. #10
Dr. Horrible #1

Make sure to check out the Fan Picks on Heroes Corner, which is where you can find Comic Timing’s picks for our Review Corner episodes! This month’s picks are the following:




You can e-mail the show at, and please vote for us at Podcast Alley and give us your reviews over on iTunes. And of course, if you can, please donate to the HERO Initiative effort if you can. Every little bit helps!

Until next time, thanks for listening, and thanks for downloading!

Comic Timing – Episode 96

We’re back! Did you miss us? We are back with another REVIEW CORNER! This time featuring 8 books! 8! We cover, not in this order:


So Sit back, grab a beverage, and maybe a snack, and enjoy!

Comic Timing is sponsored by Heroes Corner. Make sure to check out their deals on all the hottest comic books from the September Previews, and make sure to use the promo code CTROCKS on your first order with Heroes Corner to save an additional 5% off. For first time users of the site only. This month’s Review Corner books are as follows:

JSA ALL-STARS #1 – 75% off retail

SECRET WARRIORS #11- 50% off retail


You can e-mail the show at, and please vote for us at Podcast Alley and give us your reviews over on iTunes. And of course, if you can, please donate to the HERO Initiative effort if you can. Every little bit helps!

Until next time, thanks for listening, and thanks for downloading!

Comic Timing – Episode 93

New Review Corner!  On this episode:

Hellblazer 256

Batman in Barcelona

Spider-Man: The Short Halloween

Runaways 11

Picks for October Solicits:


Adventure Comics #3 (HC Price: $2.00)

Fans of Young Justice and Teen Titans have been waiting for this issue ever since we learned of Superboy’s return. Now, we get it! Tim and Conner are back together again; only thing is that a lot has changed since their Teen Titans days. Do the two still gel, even with Tim being Tim Wayne, Red Robin, instead of Tim Drake, Robin? And what about Conner’s metamorphosis since his return? Either way, it’s the dynamic duo back together, and this makes Brent and Ian happy campers!


Daredevil #501 (HC Price: $0.75)

Fans of Young Justice and Teen Titans have been waiting for this issue ever since we learned of Superboy’s return. Now, we get it! Tim and Conner are back together again; only thing is that a lot has changed since their Teen Titans days. Do the two still gel, even with Tim being Tim Wayne, Red Robin, instead of Tim Drake, Robin? And what about Conner’s metamorphosis since his return? Either way, it’s the dynamic duo back together, and this makes Brent and Ian happy campers!


Chew #5 (HC Price: $1.50)

It’s the hottest new title to hit the ground running in quite some time, and it tastes like a winner! Yes, pun intended. Ian is all caught up on Chew, but this will be Brent’s first issue on the series. It’s the final part of an arc, but is it enough to bring the “I read Marvel and DC and the one Indy Ian makes me read Kid” in for the long haul? I do believe you’ll have to listen in to find out! Nom nom nom.

Comic Timing is sponsored by Heroes Corner. Make sure to check out their deals on all the hottest comic books from the August Previews, and make sure to use the promo code CTROCKS on your first order with Heroes Corner to save an additional 5% off. For first time users of the site only. This month’s Review Corner books are as follows:

You can e-mail the show at, and please vote for us at Podcast Alley and give us your reviews over on iTunes. And of course, if you can, please donate to the HERO Initiative effort if you can. Every little bit helps!

Until next time, thanks for listening, and thanks for downloading!

Comic Timing – Episode 91

Review Corner Time! On this episode Ian and Brent catch up with books, some recent, some late, giving you a total of four books! Count ’em four! The books we go over are:

Captain America Comics Special #1

Flash Rebirth #1

Ignition City #1

Detective Comics #858 Whatever happened to the Caped Crusader (part 2)

Comic Timing is sponsored by Heroes Corner. Make sure to check out their deals on all the hottest comic books from the June Previews! And make sure to use the promo code CTROCKS on your first order with Heroes Corner to save an additional 5% off. For first time users of the site only. This month’s Review Corner books are as follows:

DOOM PATROL #1 – 50% off retail (HC price: $2.00 / retail: $3.99)

FANTASTIC FOUR #570 – 75% off retail (HC price: $0.75 / retail: $2.99)

DAYS MISSING #1 – 50% off retail (HC price: $0.50 / retail: $0.99)

You can e-mail the show at, and please vote for us at Podcast Alley and give us your reviews over on iTunes. And of course, if you can, please donate to the HERO Initiative effort if you can. Every little bit helps!