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Geekspeak is back!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Sat 1 Jul 2006 5:55 am

Ahhhhh, it feels good to be back in the saddle again. After a long two week absence, Geekspeak has returned! And not only has it returned, but today marks a milestone: Episode 40! To celebrate, I decided it was time for Showcase Spotlight #6, this time focusing upon one of the things I went to during my two week hiatus: Anime Conventions! To discuss this particular section of geekdom, I called upon Rym and Scott of the GeekNights Podcast for their insight both on Anime Next, and Anime Conventions as a whole. In the episode, we discuss:

  • Anime Next 2006: The Good, the Bad, and the in Between
  • What Anime Conventions Need to Improve
  • The benefits of a good Dealer’s Room
  • The menace that is…FANBOY FUNK!
  • How to keep the overzealous fan under control the easy way, and the hard way.
  • Game Room Etiquette, and a Duck Hunt Tournament. Can I shoot the dog this time?
  • The merits of cosplay, and some of our favorite cosplays.
  • Panels: What it’s like running them, and which ones usually manage to gain our interest.
  • Masquerade: Should they tape it and show the good parts at Closing Ceremonies?

We also got into plenty of other tangents, including interesting con memories and stories, and a whole lot more. It was a lot of fun having Rym and Scott on, and definetely make sure to check out GeekNights if you have not, as it is quite the good times. Hope to hear from these two again sometime soon!

As for you listeners, you can drop me an e-mail over at speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and don’t forget to vote for Geekspeak over at Podcast Alley! Along with that, make sure to hop on over to Fargate Productions when you get a chance, as the guys who run the site are a barrel of laughs, and so is the site!
That’s really all I have to say for this week. Until next time, thanks for sticking with me for 40 episodes of Geekspeak, and here’s hoping you all stick around for at least 40 more!

Episode 40 status:

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Fri 30 Jun 2006 12:15 am

Hey everybody!  I’m back from vacation, and just got finished recording Episode 40 a few hours ago.  The episode should be out either sometime tomorrow, or early Saturday morning, depending on when I can actually get the editing done.  This episode is worth the wait however, as the Geek Nights guys, Rym and Scott, join me for a Showcase Spotlight focusing upon Anime Conventions.
So again, I’m back, and Geekspeak is far from dead.  Talk to you all in a little while!

Half an episode anyone?

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 15 Jun 2006 11:37 pm

Hey folks! Well, here’s a nice short episode 39.5 for you all. It clocks in around 10 minutes or so, and is the episode for the week, because as of this moment…I’m on vacation! That’s right, I’m taking a two week hiatus to catch up on life a bit, and take a bit of a recharge. This weekend I’ll be over at AnimeNext so anybody who is going and bumps into me, make sure to say hi! I’ll be doing the American Animation, Japanese Influence on American Society, Wii Want a Revolution, and Adult Swim panels, so those are good places to find me.

As always, please send your e-mails to speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and don’t forget to vote for Geekspeak on Podcast Alley. Enjoy the next two weeks, and see you all when I return for more Geekspeak!

Episode 39: Showcase Spotlight #5!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Mon 12 Jun 2006 12:58 am

Here we are, Sunday night, and Geekspeak arrives! This is a Geekspeak Sepcial Edition, focusing entirely on the changes in genre television, things such as music television, and sci-fi television, that have occured over the last few years. For this episode, I am joined by a few of my buddies from the place I spend most of my free time (and some that shouldn’t be free time), the Comic Geek Speak Forums. That’s right, “The Drawer Box Master” John Mayo, “Webhead” Christopher Gallo, and “number6” Troy Mata join me, and give their varied opinions on the topic at hand.

I also wanted to let you all know that this episode marks a major change for Geekspeak, as the podcast will no longer be affiliated with Brooklyn College Radio. BCR is going in a different direction than I feel is best for the podcast, so this is where we part ways. So as of now, the show will be done entirely from my at home studio (my room)! The quality will not suffer, and Skype shall be my friend, so all is well in Geekspeakdom.

As always, you can e-mail me at speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and don’t forget to hop on over and vote for Geekspeak at Podcast Alley!

Thanks once again to John, Chris and Troy for joining me, and thanks to all of you out there for downloading!

Episode 38!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Mon 5 Jun 2006 4:45 am

Well, it’s a few days later than usual, but it’s a half hour longer to make up for it. Bryan Barrientos joins in on the fun for the second week in a row, as we talk plenty of fun news items for the weeks, and manage to do some nice banter back and forth as well (I hope). This episode was recorded on Thursday, June 1st, 2006 at the Brooklyn College Radio Studio. Topics discussed include:

  • Convention Review: Anime Boston 2006!
  • The Pirate Bay gets raided. Will they be back? Yar?
  • Lawrence, Kansas looks to be the first town to ban ALL CELL PHONE USE on the road. Good? Bad? Little from Column A, little from Column B?
  • Skype makes a deal with the Dev…errr…Dell.
  • Super Mario 2.5D arrives! Is it worth checking out? Does a 2D Mario in a 3D world really work?
  • Looks like a Google Browser will not happen after all. Ah well. Dem’s the breaks, kiddo.
  • Tom Cruise attacks the internet! No, this is not a flash movie. It’s a real story.
  • Batwoman arrives in the DCU! Is there room for another Bat flying around Gotham City?
  • The Wind Up: Roger Clemens returns…AGAIN. Has he gone to the well one too many times?

Of course, you can e-mail me over at speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and don’t forget to vote over at Podcast Alley. Until next time, enjoy, and thanks as always for downloading!

Episode 37: Now with more Meatloaf!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 25 May 2006 7:43 pm

Ignore the extra tagline there. I am being a silly boy. Welcome to Episode 37 of Geekspeak, home of the Geek…speak! Today I am lucky enough to be joined once more by my good buddy Bryan Barrientos, as we run the gambit from iTunes to X-Men to Lost and some places in between. This episode was recorded on Thursday, May 25th at the Brooklyn College Radio Studio. Topics discussed include:

  • iTunes no longer lets you downlaod high quality artwork, sites like this are no longer working properly. Bummer!
  • iTunes does let you redownload songs though if your hardrive goes kapoot, which is cool.
  • PS3 WILL let you play used games. Huzzah!
  • IGN gives us their Top 25 X-Men. Do Bryan and I agree? Disagree? Neutral? Beuller? Ferris Beuller?
  • Season Finale Review: Lost. Have they Lost it?
  • The Wind Up: A slight argument on horseracing, and my thoughts on the NHL and NBA Finals.
  • E-Mail: Chris G asks about webcomics! I suggest Questionable Content, Clango, Pop Culture Shock Therapy, and Ornery Boy.

Thanks once again to Bryan for joining me, as it’s always a fun time when he sticks around. As always, you can e-mail me over at speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and don’t forget to vote over at Podcast Alley! Also if you have not yet done so, make sure to chec out the new site design at the main page, as I feel it is a vast improvement. And the forums are always there for some posting too!

That’s pretty much all I’ve got for you folks this week. So until next week, thanks for listening, and thanks for downloading!

Episode 36: Pop Culture Shock!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Sun 21 May 2006 3:26 pm

Well, I manages to squeak an episode out after all! And what an episode it is. I finally got a hold of Doug Bratton of the one panel comedy comic strip, Pop Culture Shock Therapy! We discuss how he first decided to go with the medium of the internet to publish his strip, growing up a town over from Joe Kubert, what may be in the pipeline for the future of Pop Culture Shock Therapy, Doug’s new book which will be premiering at the MoCCA Festival on June 10th and 11th, and a whole lot more. Many thanks to Doug for joining me, as he is a great guy as well as a great interview.

If anyone would like to contact Doug, you can do so over at dbratton@popculturecomics.com, and you can e-mail me at speakgeekspeak@gmail.com. Also, don’t forget about those all important votes over at Podcast Alley!

Thanks a lot for listening, check out Pop Culture Shock Therapy, and thanks as always for downloading!

A Delay on Geekspeak

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Fri 19 May 2006 1:59 am

Hey folks. I needed a day to myself because it seems like this is the first one I’ve had in a while, so there will be no Geekspeak today. If I have time I might record one tomorrow or Saturday, but if not, you might have to wait til next Thursday. I’ll keep you all posted if I am going to record this week, but since I haven’t missed a week since September, I hope you’ll all understand if I miss one this time around.

Talk to you soon!

Episode 35: Home!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 11 May 2006 5:13 pm

Here we go, it’s Episode 35 of Geekspeak! This episode is recorded live from my house, somewhere in the deep depths of Brooklyn, New York, on Wednesday, May 10th, 2006. Topics discussed include:

  • The PS3 has a price, and trust me, it ain’t pretty. They also have a controller. Ripoff much?
  • Duck Hunt for the Wii? Oh hell yes!
  • Apple wins their case with Apple. Huzzah!
  • Sony concedes to AAC, proving once again that Apple eventually wins everything.
  • Snake hits the Wii, in a new Super Smash Bros. SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!
  • Watch out for those used hard drives. They can be a bit messy…IDAHO POWER!
  • Movie Review: Free Enterprise. Et…tu…Brute?
  • The Wind Up: Randy Johnson and Shaq are lame ducks. Have they quacked their last quacks?

I hope you guys enjoy the quality of this episode, as I was actually quite impressed with how this turned out. Expect more episodes to be done from the home as the summer rolls on, but I will be in studio next week probably. As always, you can e-mail me at speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and don’t forget to vote for Geekspeak over at Podcast Alley. And if you have a chance, check out the new podcast Comic Timing, featuring myself, Tobey Cook, and the incomparable David Price.

Until next week, thanks for downloading!

Episode 34: Alive!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Fri 5 May 2006 12:36 am

Hey folks. Episode 34 arrives, courtesy of a very tired Ian. Shownotes will be forthcoming, as I can barely keep the ol’ eyes opened at this particular moment, but here, have a podcast!

You can e-mail me at speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and don’t forget about those votes over at Podcast Alley. Also, a reminder about the new podcast, Comic Timing. Give it a listen!

Enjoy it folks, and talk to soon, and thanks for downloading!

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