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Geekspeak Episode 16: Hello 2006!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Fri 6 Jan 2006 12:10 am

Hey there loyal listeners! The first Geekspeak of 2006 has arrived, and this one is a doozy. Episode 16 goes through my bests, worsts, and “Ehhs” of 2005. This spans through the world of technology, gaming, comics, retro gaming, and sports. The list is pretty varied, and has a couple of shockers on there that might lead some people to a “wtf mate?” or two. This episode was recorded on Thursday, January 5th, 2006 at the Brooklyn College Radio Studio.

The previous paragraph pretty much explains it all, so I’ll leave you folks to download and listen and see what you think of the list. The e-mail address for Geekspeak is speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, so send any questions, comments, or lists of your own over my way, and don’t forget to vote for Geekspeak on Podcast Alley, as it is a new month and all. We’ll be back next week with another episode. Until then, thanks a bunch for downloading, and enjoy the beginning of a brand new year! 2006 should be fun. I’m looking forward to it.

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