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Episode 29: New Intro, New Geekspeak!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 30 Mar 2006 11:16 pm

Let the festivities begin! Not only has Geekspeak officially reached 100 subscibers through Feedburner, but episode 29 has arrived as well. How ’bout dem Apples? This episode was recorded at the Brooklyn College Radio Studio on March 30th, 2006. Topics discussed include:

  • The first ever Geekspeak Contest is announced!
  • The specs on the Revolution are out! So just how powerful is this thing?
  • Revolution will also have cheap games, not in quality but in price. Rejoice I say!
  • Last but not least, the Revolution will support 3rd party memory sources, which is just cool as hell.
  • Zelda DS is coming, and it looks mighty spiffy.
  • More Zelda news you say? How about a fanmade movie?
  • What’s that? Still not enough Zelda? Well…here, have some CD-i, and try not to puke on the carpet.
  • The iPod now has volume limit software. WHAT???? I DIDN’T HEAR YOU!!!!
  • Microsoft wants everybody to change their web sites just for them. Yeah…that’ll happen.
  • This Kodak moment might not be a good one…
  • Anime Review: Cromartie High School Vol. 2-4
  • The Wind Up: The Rangers are back to being good again, for the eighth time this season.

Here’s hoping everybody liked the new opening, as I completely fell in love with the music and got inspired to do something with it. You can download the full track, with vocals, at OCRemix.org, and thanks again to zircon for letting me use the track! Still, the contest is out there to design an opening of your own, so good luck and I can’t wait to hear people’s entries. Each entry will get played on the show at least once before a winner is chosen by the way, so that everyone’s work can be heard.

You can e-mail all submissions, comments, and questions to speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and Podcast Alley voting takes place right here.

That’s all for this week, so until Episode 30, thanks as always for downloading, and enjoy the episode!

Episode 28: And Bryan makes two!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 23 Mar 2006 10:35 pm

Evening ladies and gents! Episode 28 is officially here, and it is quite the doozy. The show’s slightly longer than usual but only by 12 minutes, as the comic rant at the end deserved more conversation so we continued it past the usual timeslot. I was lucky enough to be joined once again by my buddy Bryan Barrientos, who gave his thoughts on the topics discussed on today’s show. This episode was recorded on Thursday, March 23rd at the Brooklyn College Radio Studio. Topics discussed include:

  • Windows Vista delayed again. Really, I’m shocked. Seriously. For real.
  • A new potentially dangerous IE Flaw is found. Really, I’m shocked. Seriously. For real.
  • Halo 2 for PC will be delayed along with Vista, since it’s Vista only.
  • PS3 Region Free! Will mod-chips become a thing of the past?
  • PS3 Controller Redesign is official. Maybe this time it’ll look more like a controller and less like a Batarang.
  • PS3 will use memory cards after all. This is starting to intrigue me…
  • Nintendo…Go?
  • Dell Buys Alienware. Really, I’m shocked. Seriously. For real.
  • Movie Review: V For Vendetta
  • Comic Book Rant: Is it just me, or are more and more series forgetting how to write the middle of a story?
  • The Wind Up: Alfonso Soriano…is a giant putz.

Thanks once again to Bryan for joining me, as it’s always fun to change things up a bit and get another person’s take on the week’s gaming, gadget, tech, etc. news. Also, make sure to listen to the episode in its entirety, as there’s a nice little treat near the end. I’m out of my mind sometimes, I swear.

If you’d like to tell me how out of my mind I am, you can e-mail me at speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and don’t forget to head on over to Podcast Alley when you get a chance to cast your vote for Geekspeak! Anyway, hope everybody enjoys the episode, and thanks as always for downloading!

Geekspeak Episode 27: almost lost, but saved!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Fri 17 Mar 2006 12:49 am

Hey there Geekspeakers! Well, this was one hell of an episode. I say that not only because it was jampacked with fun news stories from comics to tech to TV, but also because the original recording of Episode 27 is now at the farm with that dog you had when you were little. Yup, the episode somehow ended up not getting recorded from 5 minutes in until 45 minutes in, so no go. But alas, I did indeed rerecord it and now here we are. This episode was recorded (twice) at the Brooklyn College Radio studio on Thursday, March 16th, 2006. Topics discussed include:

It’s funny how when things losing an entire episode happen, you go through the redo episode thinking this one will pale in comparison to the last. When I listened to it as I edited, I grew to like the new episode more, and I hope you guys like it as well! You can send questions, comments, and news stories you’d to see me cover on the show to speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and hop on over to the forums if you’re bored and in the mood for chatter. And as the month of March rolls on, the Podcast Alley votes keep rolling, so if you’d like to vote for Geekspeak, you can do so here.

If anything new comes in about the Katamari situation I’ll pop on in for a quick update, and if not, I’ll see everybody next Thursday. Until then, thanks for downloading!

Episode 26, and back to normal!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 9 Mar 2006 10:26 pm

Hey there listeners! It’s that time again. No, it’s not time to feed the cat. No, it’s not time to clip your toenails, or do your taxes. It’s time for Episode 26! The episode 25 celebration is now officially over, and so geekspeak returns to a weekly distribution cycle for a while. This episode of Geekspeak was recorded at the Brooklyn College Radio Studio on Thursday, March 9th, 2006. Topics discussed include:

  • Some thank yous to the folks who helped me put together the Episode 25 celebration. It was a blast!
  • Apple iTunes TV Subsciption service: Good idea, bad idea, or a bit of both?
  • Pacman on the iPod! What will they think of next?
  • PSP Ads cause controversy in England. Has Sony gone batty?
  • Who are IGN’s Top 10 Video game Villains?
  • My thoughts on the new X-Men 3: The Last Stand trailer, which is available here.
  • Google has way too much time on their hands. Go to ho.org and others and find out!
  • Comic Book Reviews: Emo Boy #1 and 2, and Batman: The Killing Joke by Alan Moore.
  • The Wind Up: Football has a salary cap for 6 more years. They’re saved!

Lots of fun, crazy stuff in this episode (mostly from me), so I hope everybody enjoys it. I’ll be posting a scan of the Kingsman article about myself and other Brooklyn College podcasters on the web site in the next couple of days for those of you who are interested in reading it. Also, stay tuned to this space for an announcement that may be on the horizon. Bum bum bummmm…

Don’t forget, if you want to drop me a line, you can do so at speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, or at the Geekspeak Forums. And a Podcast Alley vote is only a click away!

That’s all for today really. So I’ll see you all in 7 days, and thanks for downloading.

Showcase Spotlight #3 arrives!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Tue 7 Mar 2006 11:30 pm

Well, the final part of the Episode 25 celebration is here! Without further adieu here is Episode 25 itself! This episode times in at a ginormous TWO AND A HALF HOURS, so I hope you folks have a nice long commute to listen to this on! For this Showcase Spotlight, my guests Sean Whelan, school teacher, drnorge, and all around nice guy, and Robert Welkner, COIN-OP.TV, and one hell of a pinch hitter, discuss American Animation! We go the gambit from the old days to the new, and everywhere in between,and also go off on quick tangents focusing upon Spider-Man 3, X-Men 3, and some other quickies. This episode was recorded on Sunday, March 5, 2006 at the campus of Brooklyn College, and it was one hell of a good time!

So enjoy folks, and please let me know what you think of the epic Episode 25 at speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and if you like what you hear, go on and vote for the show at Podcast Alley.

We’ll be back on Thursday for a regular episode, back to normal and all. As always, thanks for downloading, and see you guys then!

Geekspeak Special Edition

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Sun 5 Mar 2006 8:27 pm

Hey folks. It’s Sunday night and as promised, I have a nice little treat for you all. Here’s a special edition of Geekspeak that was recorded on Day 3 of the NY Comic Con with Scott Melzer, Matthew Pyson, and Jon Miller of This is Otakudom and S.T.E.A.M., two of the funniest Anime fan parodies I’ve ever seen. There are some very short audio glitches along the way, but nothing that detracts from the overall interview. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the special! And to continue the episode 25 celebration, come back on Tuesday for a whopping TWO AND A HALF HOUR edition, where I’m joined by Sean Whelan and Robert Welkner for a Showcase Spotlight episode of Geekspeak focusing on American Animation! Until then, enjoy, and thanks as always for downloading.

Episode 24!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 2 Mar 2006 12:54 pm

The feed didn’t seem to pick it up right, so here’s another post with just the link in it. Things should be working properly now.

Download Geekspeak Episode 24: The New York Comic Con

Episode 24: New York Comic Con!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 2 Mar 2006 11:45 am

Hey ladies and gentlemen! Well, I held off on the Sunday release after I realized just how much material I really had recorded from the con, and figured it would be best to simply release it as Episode 24. And that is what I am doing! Also, there’s a lot more stuff I’m going to discuss after I get done putting down what to expect on this week’s episode. This episode was recorded over a three day span at the New York Comic Con on February 24th-26th, 2006. Here’s the run down for you all:

  • Day 1 begins!
  • Interview with Bryan Deemer of Comic Geek Speak.
  • Interview with Mike Norton, artist on Gravity, Teen Titans Go!, Marvel Adventures Spider-Man, and more.
  • Day 1 Wrap-Up.
  • Day 2 underway, and the place is nuts!
  • Interview with Paul Levitz of DC Comics, currently writer of JSA’s One Year Later arc.
  • Interview with Dallas Middaugh of Del Rey Manga.
  • Day 2 winds down.
  • Interview with Chris Staros, publisher of Top Shelf Productions.
  • Interview with Jesse Bousch, writer of Strange Detective Tales: Dead Love at Oddgod Press.
  • Day 3 is over, and so is the con.
  • The Wind Up: The Olympics are done. FINALLY.

This episode was a lot of fun to put together, mostly because the convention was so damn fun! Along with the interviews, I was also lucky enough to get wonderful sketckes from Daniel Acuna, Jesus Saiz, and the wonderful Todd Nauck. I now share these with you:

Daniel Acuna

Jesus Saiz

Todd Nauck

I’ll also be posting some random pictures from the con once the pictures get developed. This episode and the next two I release are all part of the big Episode 25 celebration for Geekspeak! On Sunday, I will be releasing my interview with Scott Melzer, Matthew Pyson, and Jon Miller of the Anime fan parodies “This is Otakudom” and “S.T.E.A.M.” as a Special Edition of Geekspeak, and Tuesday we will be releasing the Showcase Spotlight on American Animation, which will be Episode 25. Then Thursday we’re back to normal with a regular Episode 26. I hope that you folks enjoy these episodes, as I’m glad to be putting them out for sure!

You can send your e-mails to speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, you can check out the forums if you’d like, and don’t forget Podcast Alley, as it is a brand new month over there.

Until Sunday, take care, and thanks for being the great listeners you are all.

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