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He shoots, he scores! Episode 23 is here.

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 23 Feb 2006 9:51 pm

Hey people! Time for some full Geekspeak action after yesterday’s short little blurb. As you will hear, I added a message before the episode that is a cry for help for people who know Skype and Gizmo. Anyone who does know about either of these and has experienced the problem I mention in the preview, let me know and maybe we can work together to fix this stuff. This episode of Geekspeak was recorded on Thursday, February 23rd, 2006 at the Brooklyn College Radio Studio. Topics discussed include:

  • A worm on OSX? TWO WORMS on OSX? Le gasp!
  • News on the upcoming Showcase Spotlight on American Animation.
  • Chicago goes W-Fi. Will other cities follow? Should they?
  • An Amish Wiretapper. Seriously. No joke. I swear. For real. No kidding.
  • A new PSP/iPod killer arrives on the scene. What’s the deal with the Viliv PI?
  • Star Trek Online is coming. Engage!
  • The Comic Book Rant: What’s the deal with all these restarts on ongoing titles?
  • The Wind Up: The Knicks make another sucky suck suck move. What a shock.

For those of you who will be attending the New York Comic-Con, make sure to give me an e-mail if you want to meet up somewhere along the line. The more the merrier I always say! And once again, expect a Comic-Con wrap-up show Sunday night. You can send all e-mails to speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and Podcast Alley awaits your vote. No lie! It told me so I swear. And don’t forget about those forums either.

Until Sunday, hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and I’ll talk to you soon! And of course, thanks as always for downloading.

Geekspeak: Special Report

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 23 Feb 2006 3:47 am

Hey folks! Here’s a quick five minute recording I just finished from my home with my brand new set-up, which focuses upon the Blue Snowball USB Condenser microphone! Regular episode will be released as always sometime Thursday night, but I had to show this new set-up off to you guys. Expect plenty of full episodes to come from my house from now on, beginning with a New York Comic-Con wrap-up on Sunday night.

Anyway, that’s really all I’ve got, so until a few hours from now, Enjoy!

Episode 22 arrives. Yay!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 16 Feb 2006 11:04 pm

You grab the cake I’ll pass the plates around, the birthday episode of Geekspeak is here! Episode 22 was a lot of fun to put together, mostly because I was hyper on Pepsi at the time, so I had a whole bunch of energy in me. Wheeee! This episode was recorded on Thursday, February 16th, 2006, at the Brooklyn College Radio studio. Topics discussed include:

  • Bush passes the DTV Law. What will this do to your TV watching?
  • Adult Swim’s online programming, The Fix, expands to 24/7 in March. Kickass!
  • Tech Review: Windows Defender Beta 2.
  • The Nintendo DS Media Player may change the face of the DS. Period. And here’s a link to the news on the US price, courtesy of Joystiq.
  • The Nintendo DS TV Tuner may help change the face of the DS too. How about that?
  • News on the next Showcase Spotlight!
  • Retro Hack Review: Mario Adventure for the NES Emulator. Here’s my favorite NES Emulator to play said hack, the FCEUltra.
  • DS Goes to the Opera. Get it? Eh? Eh?
  • Comic Previews: Are they a bit too revealing?
  • The Wind Up: Thew Winter Olympics are finally here! Oh wait, they’re boring. Damnit…

Again, Showcase Spotlight #3 should be out in another two weeks or so in the form of an extra episode released exclusively as a podcast, not streaming on Brooklyn College Radio. I’ll keep you all posted on news as it develops. E-mails are more than appreciated at speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and votes are more than appreciated at Podcast Alley.

That’s all for now folks. Thanks again for listening in for the past 22 episodes and hopefully for what’s to come, and thank you kindly for downloading!

Drink a round, Episode 21 is here!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 9 Feb 2006 10:10 pm

Hey all. Episode 21 is nice and finished, and it’s ready to be released. Want it? If you do, that’s cool and all. This episode of Geekspeak was recorded on Thursday, February 9th, 2006 at the Brooklyn College Radio Studio. Topics discussed include:

  • Popular software with lax security, including AIM and Adobe products! Looks like Trillian or GAIM might be the place to turn now more than ever.
  • RIP Robo doggie. We hardly knew ye.
  • Myspace: The Movie is the funniest thing since funny. And it’s oddly close to truth too…
  • IE7 Beta 2 is out. Should we even care at this point?
  • The Karma Sutra Worm was a bust. Ah well. Mint?
  • Halo 2 for the PC…Vista Only? Riot on the streets of Geekdom!
  • The new Super Mario Bros. DS game approaches, and I am salvating already.
  • A comic book debate: Browsing vs. the pull list.
  • The Wind Up: Wayne Gretzky might not be the Golden Boy he was believed to be. New Black Sox scandal anyone?

This episode was a lot of fun to put together, mostly because nearly all of the stories I covered on today’s show I received at the last minute. I do my best work at the last possible second, so I hope everybody enjoys this particular episode a whole lot. As always, you can e-mail comments and questions and hate mail to speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and Podcast Alley is a good place to vote for Geekspeak. Really, it is! You should try it. They have cake (not really).

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for today. Those of you who have off for Important President’s Birthday #1, enjoy the three day weekend, and thanks as always for downloading!

Episode 20 arrives!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Fri 3 Feb 2006 5:38 pm

Why hello there! Episode 20 of Geekspeak has officially arrived, and it’s a jam packed episode full of goodness (I hope) This episode was recorded on Thursday, February 2nd 2006 at the Brooklyn College Radio Studio. Topics discussed include:

  • Avoid The Kama Sutra worm, no matter how tempting it might be!
  • An amusing joke given to me by my buddy Marvin John. Remember to RepHresh!
  • The Road To Civil War is upon us. Is Marvel simply following on DC’s Infinit Crisis coat-tals, or will the story actually be an interesting one to tell?
  • Blade is coming to SpikeTV…yo. Will it capture what the movies captured, along with the audience?
  • A Firefly Season Two proposal is propsed. Watch those Brown Coats pray!
  • Some tips on what to do to keep comic fans coming to your comic shop, from my personal experiences.
  • The Wind Up: Is is Superbowl time yet? I’m getting bored here!

I mention it during the show, but I definetely have to say it again: thank you to my loyal fans for sticking with me these past 20 episodes. It is an honor putting these shows out, and I’m glad that you guys seem to be enjoying Geekspeak. And here’s hoping you enjoy it for the next 20 episodes too! As always, if anyone needs to get in touch with me, you can do so at speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and it’s a new month over at Podcast Alley, so if anyone would like to vote for Geekspeak, you can do that over there.

Enjoy the show, and thanks for downloading!

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