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Geekspeak Episode 15: Showcase Spotlight #2 arrives!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 29 Dec 2005 1:38 pm

Hey everybody! I hope that Christmas and Hanukah have been going quite well for all you folks out there. As a late holiday gift to you guys I’ve recorded a special TWO HOUR edition of Geekspeak! This second Showcase Spotlight focuses upon the topic of Retro Gaming, a topic near and dear to my heart, and plenty of other geeks out there as well.

My guests and I touch upon everything from arcades to consoles, to new compilations of old games, to PC gaming, to the Generation NEX, and everywhere in between. For this episode, I am lucky enough to be joined by Robert Welkner of the COIN-OP.TV Vidcast, as well as Tobey Cook from Seattle, WA, who is naktekh on the Comic Geek Speak forums.

As always, you can e-mail questions and comments to speakgeekspeak@gmail.com. Also, remember that the forums are always open, and don’t forget to vote for Geekspeak on Podcast Alley.

I hope that everybody has a Happy and a healthy New Year. Don’t party too hard now, y’hear? And of course, I hope you enjoyed the last Geekspeak of 2005 as much as I enjoyed recording it.

So until 2006, thanks for listening, and downloading too!

Episode 14: Ho Ho Holy Grenade Launchers Batman!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 22 Dec 2005 2:28 pm

Hey there folks. Episode 14 is here, and I am ready to give it to the masses. This epsiode was recorded on Wednesday, December 21 at the Brooklyn College Radio studio. Topics discussed include:

  • I’m in love with my AKG K240S headphones. Here’s a link for them at Amazon, and here’s the seller I got them from on ebay.
  • Movie Review: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
  • Firefly: Is it really over? Entertainment Weekly says Joss says yes.
  • BUT WAIT!!! Joss says it was out of context! Ha! And for a better interview with Joss about Firefly, Buffy, and more check out this one done by Comcast.
  • Generation NEX: Retro is back!
  • X-Box 360 in Japan: Little buzz, small sales. A sign of things to come? Pictures of line comparisons are here, and a more in-depth article about the situation is here.
  • The Wind Up: So Damon’s a Yankee after all. Oy vey…

Well, I hope you folks enjoy this Geekspeak. Apologies if I sound a bit flat. This sort of weather + walking to school doesn’t quite agree with me. I am happy to say that Episode 15 sounds much better, and packs it in at a wholloping 2 full hours of Retro Gaming talk! Episode 15 will be released next week while I’m out of town enjoying the holidays.

The e-mail address for Geekspeak is speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, so send questions and comments my way, and the forums can still be found at www.speakgeekspeak.com/forums. I hope everyone has a very Happy Holidays, and until next week’s Showcase Spotlight release, take care and thanks for downloading!

Geekspeak Episode 14 Live tonight!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Wed 21 Dec 2005 5:00 pm

Hey folks. Since I’m one of the few people here tonight, I’ll be recording Episode 14 live. That means it will be over the web stream at the Brooklyn College Radio site, if indeed the stream is up, which it should be. You can listen to the show live here, and you can call into the show at 718-951-4444. We’ll be going on air at 5:30 EST, and will be on until 6:30 EST. So if you have anything you’d like to say, say it! And as always, the podcast version of the show will be available Thursday.


Lucky Number 13 of Geekspeak!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 15 Dec 2005 9:13 pm

It’s Thursday, and that means Geekspeak! Episode 13 is ready to go, for your listening pleasure. This episode was recorded live at the Brooklyn College Radio Studio on Thursday, December 15th. Topics discussed include:

As we get closer and closer to the Holiday season, I’d like to remind you all to get your shopping done already! Gosh! And also, enjoy the holidays. 🙂

You can e-mail Geekspeak at speakgeekspeak@gmail.com. I’ll be waiting! So send any questions or comments my way. I’ll be back next Thursday with a prerecorded (by a day) episode of Geekspeak. Until then, thanks for listening, and please, if you get a chance, go vote for the show on Podcast Alley. Ciao!

P.S. Listen until the end, and you’ll be treated to an amusing blooper.

Geekspeak Episode 12 arrives!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 8 Dec 2005 6:30 pm

Here we go, it’s Geekspeak time again! This episode of Geekspeak was recorded Wednesday, December 7th at the Brooklyn College Radio Studio, as there is currently a basketball game on Brooklyn College Radio, so I do not have my slot for today. But if you want to hear me talk sports, just put on the stream. I’ll be doing pre-game, halftime, and post-game for both games of the double-header tonight. Topics discussed include:

I expect the next episode to be live again on Brooklyn College Radio, but even if it is not, I’ll put out an episode for you folks as always because I like pleasing the listeners. 😉 The e-mail address for Geekspeak is speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, so make sure to send your questions and comments my way, and don’t forget to vote for geekspeak on Podcast Alley.

Well, I’ve got a basketball game to do, so I’ll end things here. Until next week, thanks to all my fellow geeks for listening!

Geekspeak: Episode 11.5 is here!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Sat 3 Dec 2005 7:13 pm

Well, I’m sure nobody saw this coming. I had some time on my hands, so I put together a nice short extra episode of Geekspeak today, while sitting here at the computer in my comfortable pajamas. Hold the applause, please. The episode clocks in at about 20 minutes, and does have some spoilers for X-Men: Deadly Genesis, X-Men #178, and X-Men: The End, so please be warned.

This episode gets into comments made by Ed Brubaker in a Newsarama interview, which can be found here, about X-Men: Deadly Genesis, and what fans should expect out of the mini-series.

Anyway, I hope you folks enjoy this, as the production quality is 10 times better than my first .5 episode. That’s all I have to say other than thanks for downloading, and I’ll see you all Thursday!

Download Geekspeak 11.5

Geekspeak Episode 11 is here!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Fri 2 Dec 2005 12:23 am

Howdy folks! Hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving, and that you all enjoyed my special Episode 10. We’re back to the usual format this week, just me and a bunch of geek news. And a Lipton Green Tea. Yum yum! This episode was recorded at the Brooklyn College Radio Studio on Thursday, December 1st. Topics discussed include:

  • X Box 360: Expensive and at least 3% of the systems are dang buggy!
  • Madden 2006 for the 360 missing modes & features
  • Firefox 1.5 released and it is fast! Want an about: config tweak to make it go even faster?
  • Firefox Extension of the week: Tab Mix Plus!
  • Listener e-mail from Travis from Boston, MA: What books should someone read who is new to Infinite Crisis? I have my list, and here’s an Amazon checklist too.
  • Here Comes…Dr. Tran!
  • Censorship In Games: A list and a proposed bill by the wife of a famous Bill that might be of interest to you all.
  • The Wind-Up: Giants must prove themselves, while the Mets sure have improved!

Big week in geek indeed, and hopefully we’ll have another great one next week. You can e-mail questions, comments, and audio comments to speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and the forums are also there for you all to enjoy. Also, I might be announcing a contest next week, but I will know for sure my next show. Anyway, it’s late and I’m a sleepy host, so I’ll end it here. We’ll be streaming at the Brooklyn College website once more next week along with the podcast release as always. Until then, thanks for listening!

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