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Geekspeak 31: The Impromptu Showcase Spotlight!

Blogged by Ian Levenstein as Uncategorized — Ian Levenstein Thu 13 Apr 2006 2:36 pm

Hey folks! This one was unexpected to say the least. I was unable to record an interview I had planned with Doug Barrett of Pop Culture Shock Therapy, so I went to the backup plan: Gizmo! Gizmo is a Skype alternative that allows you to talk to folks far and wide over the internet via your connection, and a microphone. It also allows for nicely integrated recording, and so this is what we got instead. Christopher Neseman of The Around Comics Podcast, and Jon “Wally” Weilbaecher, otherwise known as Brodie_Baggins on the Comic Geek Speak forums, join me for a Showcase Spotlight focusing upon forums! We talk the dos and don’t of forum life, how to pimp your forum appropiately without pissing people off, and also how to ease to transition onto a new forum. We also talk some comics at the end of the show, as well as what geek name we would choose to have, after finding out that a real life Optimus Prime exists out there. And he has a girlfriend!

Apologies in advance for any technical glitches, as this was the first time I gave Gizmo a shot for an episode. Wally’s microphone was a bit low, so I had to amp it up, which led to some background noise. His words are still easy to hear, but bear with us on that.

Anyway, that’s really all I’ve got for you for now. You can send your comments on the show to speakgeekspeak@gmail.com, and you can vote for Geekspeak on Podcast Alley right over here.

One quick programming reminder, Episode 32 of Geekspeak will be released either late Monday or early Tuesday, as I will be away for the week, and still want to put an episode out there for everybody. So go ahead and check out the feed on Tuesday and you’ll find Episode 32. Until then, thanks for downloading!

Download Geekspeak Episode 31: Showcase Spotlight #4 – Forums

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